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Smirnov, Andrei Andreevich

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Popular Documents

April 14, 1942

Letter of USSR Ambassador in Iran Cde. Smirnov about Our Relations with the British in Iran

Soviet Ambassador to Iran A. Smirnov describes British policy in Iran as well as its implications for the Soviet Union and for the Anglo-Soviet relationship. He suggests that the British are pursuing an imperialist policy in Iran and that this policy is responsible for the mutual distrust forming between the British and Soviet governments.

October 26, 1962

Memorandum of Conversation, West German Foreign Minister Gerhard Schröder and Soviet Ambassador Andrei Smirnov, Bonn

A discussion between Federal Minister Schröder and Soviet Ambassador Smirnow [Smirnov] in which Smirnov presents to the minister a statement of the Soviet Government concerning the aggressive acts the United States had committed against the Republic of Cuba. In this statement the Soviet Government was explaining its view on the blockade the United States had imposed on Cuba. It also commented on the other aggressive steps President Kennedy intended to take against Cuba as announced on 22 October.

June 24, 1955

Letter, I. Vinogradov and A. Smirnov to the CPSU Central Committee

This letter states that it will be possible to grant Iraj Iskanderi residence in Moscow, as well as helping with the arrival of his family and providing them with housing and financial support.

June 11, 1955

Letter to the CPSU Central Committee, Request from Radmanesh for Iskanderi

This letter requests the permission to supply People's Party of Iran Central Committee member Iraj Iskaneri with residence and work in the USSR, as well as permission for his family's arrival, a place for them to stay, and financial support.

September 28, 1955

Letter to the CPSU Central Committee, Request from Radmanesh for Mortaza Yazdi

In this letter the People's Party of Iran request that the CPSU CC help Doctor Mortaza Yazdi and Sharmini among others, as they are all facing execution by the Tehran's military court. Also asks to send Iraj Iskanderi and Ehsan Tabari to Prague to organize protests against executions. The CPSU CC denied the request to go to Prague, but agreed to appeal to various fraternal Communist parties and organize a protest campaign.