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Suharto 1921- 2008

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Popular Documents

June 28, 1975

Message from the President of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Kim Il Sung, to the President of the [Socialist Federal] Republic [of Yugoslavia], Josip Broz Tito

Kim Il Sung asks President Tito to influence President Suharto so that Indonesia will help with the DPRK’s admission into the Non-Aligned Movement, while at the same time opposing the efforts of South Korea. He thanks Tito for the hospitality shown during his recent visit to Yugoslavia.

April 16, 1993

Record of Japan-United States Summit Meeting

This record contains summaries of: (1) the tête-à-tête meeting between President Clinton and Prime Minister Mizazawa; (2) a small group meeting involving the President and Prime Minister, as well as several senior members of the US and Japanese cabinets; and (3) an expanded working lunch. Topics of discussion included U.S.-Japan strategic and economic relations, climate change, the Uruguay Round, policies towards Russia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Haiti, and China, and Japan's status at the United Nations. Various portions of the document were withheld, including an entire section on North Korea.

March 3, 1993

The Chancellor's [Helmut Kohl's] Telephone Conversation with Indonesian President Suharto on Wednesday, 24 February 1993

Kohl and Suharto discuss questions of Indonesia's internatioal role, the situation in South East Asia and trade with Germany. Suharto underlines his efforts to work for Indonesia’s movement toward the position of the G-7. Moreover, Kohl and Suharto discuss the sale of former East German navy ships for Indonesia.

August 25, 1995

The Chancellor's [Helmut Kohl's] Telephone Conversation with Croatia’s President Tudjman on 25 August 1995 at 09.20 hours

Kohl emphasizes the need for a peaceful liberation of Eastern Croatia. Kohl urgently asks Tudjman to look into Croatian war crimes and human rights violations himself. Kohl wants Tudjman "to enforce discipline in the cases where the allegations were justified and penalize the people that had committed crimes."

March 5, 1993

The Chancellor's [Helmut Kohl's] Meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Miyazawa on Saturday, 27 February 1993, in Tokyo

Kohl reitertates the willingess to increase Germany's global presence despite domestic issues and continuing European challenges. Kohl and Miyazawa discuss the importance of global free trade for Germany and Japan.