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Thompson, Llewellyn 1904- 1972

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Popular Documents

February 21, 1949

Memorandum for Mr. Wisner, 'Notes on Discussion of New York Committee with Mr. George Kennan, February 18, 1949' [Approved for Release, March 2009]

George Kennan, State Department official Llewellyn E. Thompson, and Office of Policy Coordination director Frank Wisner agree that influential private citizens organizing the Free Europe Committee (FEC) require approval for the project from Secretary of State Dean Acheson and thereafter responsibility for dealing with East European émigré leaders will shift from State to the FEC.

October 20, 1962

Telegram from Polish Embassy in Washington (Drozniak)

Drozniak compiles information he has collected from US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs William R. Tyler and US Ambassador at Large Llewellyn E. Thompson on the rising Cuban situation and US-USSR relations.

November 25, 1963

Top Secret Cipher Telegram from Anastas Mikoyan to CPSU Central Committee

Mikoyan reports his recent conversations with US officials following JFK’s assassination. He reports that it is likely that Kennedy’s successor, Lyndon Johnson, will likely maintain Kennedy’s policy on US-Soviet foreign relations. US Ambassador Thompson also talks to Mikoyan about US concerns about the Soviet press coverage of the assassination.

October 23, 1963

Soviet Ambassador Dorynin on Radio Liberty

Ambassador Llewellyn Thompson reports Anatoly Dobrynin’s denunciation of Radio Liberty (and other “subversive” radios) while noting the Soviet Union had stopped jamming Voice of America Russian.

January 5, 1959

Moscow Dispatch No. 375, Some Considerations Regarding US Policy Toward the USSR

Foreign Service Officer David Mark, reporting in Moscow Dispatch No. 375, suggests changes in US policy to embrace reduction of “pressure-generating activities” on Eastern Europe, including Radio Free Europe (RFE). Ambassador Llwellyn E. Thompson dissents but suggests that RFE broadcasts might be halted in exchange for an end to Soviet jamming [of Voice of America and other Western broadcasts].