Eastern Europe
(372) documents
1930- 2017
1928- 2022
Western Europe
August 24, 1991
The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 24 August 1991 describes the latest developments in the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Cambodia, Lebanon, France, El Salvador, South Africa, China and Iran.
November 27, 1992
Kohl and Panic review the situation in Yugoslavia and Panic's standing in the domestic struggle with Milosevic. Panic emphasizes his readiness to recognize Slovenia and Croatia reiterating that a democratic Yugoslavia could be a catalyst for peace in the entire region. Kohl remains doubtful arguing that Milosevic would not support such a policy.
June 30, 1992
Mitterrand emphasizes that Yugoslavia could turn into "a second Vietnam” in case of a Western military intervention. He questions the rational of U.S. and British policy in the Balkans and rejects France's military involvement. Kohl rules out Germany's participation in military operations.
July 22, 1991
Kohl and Tudjman assess the chances for a peaceful resolution of the Yugoslavian crisis and the implications of Slovenia's independence for Croatia's security.
October 9, 1991
Kohl and Kucan discuss the disintegration of Yugoslavia and emphasize the need for minority rights, self determination and the non-use of force. Kohl explains his position arguing that Germany must not be "singularized" in its diplomacy.