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United States. Embassy (India)

Documents produced by or related to the Embassy of the United States in India.

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Popular Documents

December 10, 1995

State Department Telegram 28705 to US Embassy in India, 'Arrange Wisner-Varma Meeting on Testing Issue'

Telegram instructing the Charges d'Affairs to arrange an urgent meeting between the United States Ambassador to India and the Indian Prime Minister's Pricipal Secretary to discuss American concerns that India will launch a nuclear test. The State Department was ready for a demarche to the Indian government to express “grave concerns” about the possibility of a test.

June 4, 1998

Cable, US Embassy New Delhi to the US Mission Geneva, 'My Meeting with Jaswant Singh'

The US Ambassador to India met with Jasawant Singh to discuss US-India relations following the Pokhran-II nuclear tests.

August 19, 1952

The US Counselor at New Delhi (Drumright) to the Department of State, 'Nepalese Report regarding Developments in Tibet'

Dispatches from the Nepalese representative in Lhasa from April-May 1952

August 12, 1996

US Embassy in New Delhi Telegram 9250 to State Department, 'Ambassador’s Meeting with Opposition Leader'

Report on US Ambassador to India Frank Wisner's meeting with Indian Opposition Leader Atal Bihari Vajpayee about the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and halting any nuclear test. The Ambassador found the meeting unproductive. The CTBT was central to the discussion but it was evident that Vajpayee was not interested and his “body language” indicated that he was inclined to favor a nuclear test. During one point in the discussion, Vajpayee asked, “What if we start underground tests?” According to the embassy’s message, “we interpret his question about testing as indicating that [he] and the BJP would favor a test” and would not be persuaded by U.S. arguments—“reason”—to forego one.

January 2, 1953

The US Counselor at New Delhi (Wilkins) to the Department of State, 'Nepalese Reports on Tibet'

Dispatches from the Nepalese representative in Lhasa from September-November 1952.