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Yegnarov, Vladimir Stepanovich

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Popular Documents

July 1945

Telegram from Cde. Yegnarov for Cde. Beria

Cde. Yegnarov reports on his meeting with "Sadyk," noting his persistent requests to begin military operations against the Chinese and for "Sadyk" to lead the operation against the Chinese in the South of Xinjiang. Yegnarov also describes military maneuvers in the Ili District and requests permission to transfer Red Army detachments in order to liberate the Tarbaghatai District.

September 10, 1947

Telegram from Cde. Fedotov to Cde. V.M. Molotov

Cde. Fedotov suggests that General-Major Vladimir Stepanovich Yegnarov be dispatched to Xinjiang to led support to the rebels associated with the East Turkestan Republic (ETR).

November 3, 1945

Telegram from Cde. Yegnarov and Cde. Langvang to Cde. Beria

Yegnarov forwards to Stalin a letter from Alihan Tore Shakirjan, in which he describes Chinese oppression of the people in Eastern Turkestan and requests Soviet assistance with their "revolutionary struggle."

April 17, 1945

Special Report from General-Major Yegnarov to USSR People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs, General Commissar of State Security, Cde. L.P. Beria

General Yegnarov reports on the Ili rebel army's capture of 220 Chinese troops and their cache of weapons in Torgustay and a subsequent rebel seizure of Chinese weapons in Takiantsan.

August 27, 1945

Report from Cde. Yegnarov to Cde. Beria

Yegnarov reports on several successful Red Army military operations in the Ili District at the end of August, including Firsov's seizure of Chinese supply trucks and the forced retreat of a Chinese brigade by Leskin's cavalry brigade. He also notes a raid on Kobuk by Chinese aircraft, which killed four Soviet soldiers.