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Zimyanin, M.V. 1914- 1995

Mikhail Vasilyevich Zimyanin (Михаил Васильевич Зимянин), also spelled Michail Vasiljevič Zimianin (Міхаіл Васільевіч Зімянін)

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Popular Documents

May 27, 1953

About the Situation in Yugoslavia and its Foreign Policy

M. Zimianin reports to Molotov on the internal and foreign policy of Yugoslavia after breaking with the USSR.

September 15, 1959

Mikihail Zimyanin's Background Report for Khrushchev on China (Excerpt)

Mikhail Zimyanin, head of the Soviet Foreign Ministry’s Far Eastern department, reports to Khrushchev on the “new stage” in Sino-Soviet relations after the victory of the people’s revolution in China; China and the Soviet Union now share the common goal of developing socialist societies in their respective countries.

March 22, 1979

Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Session on Afghanistan

March 11, 1985

Minutes of a CC CPSU Politburo Session Nominating Gorbachev for General Secretary

CC CPSU Politburo Session nominating Gorbachev for General Secretary after the death of Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko. Many members of the politburo spoke in favor of Gorbachev for General Secretary. They make a unanimous recommendation to the Plenum of CC CPSU.

July 17, 1957

Record of a Conversation between N.S. Khrushchev and Ho Chi Minh, President of the DRV, at 1100 17 July 1957

The leaders talk about the Geneva Accords and General Vo Nguyen Giap's travels. Ho Chi Minh asks Khrushchev about Soviet economic and political support to North Vietnam, as well as Soviet relations with other socialist countries. Ho Chi Minh takes personal culpability for a bureaucratic issue which caused the imprisonment and deaths of party members.