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Popular Documents

November 25, 1991

The Chancellor's [Helmut Kohl's] Meeting with Russian President Yeltsin on Thursday, 21 November 1991

Kohl and Yeltsin discuss Russia-Ukraine relations, Russian debt and finance issues, the question of Volga-Germans and the release of Honecker from the Chilean embassy.

August 17, 1977

Summary of the Meeting and Negotiations held by L. I. Brezhnev with N. Ceausescu in Crimea, on 5 August 1977

Summary of a four hour meeting between Ceausescu and Brezhnev in Crimea, in which the two leaders discussed the Romanian position regarding several international problems. The emphasis of the discussion was the development and formation of the Moldavian nation, which Brezhnev claimed were incorrectly interpreted by contemporary Romanian scientific literature and press periodicals.

June 2007

The Nationalism Case. Folder 57. The Chekist Anthology.

In this entry, Mitrokhin expresses the KGB’s views on the threat of organized oppositionist nationalism within the Soviet bloc.

February 4, 1992

The Chancellor's [Helmut Kohl's] Conversation with the President of Ukraine, Leonid Kravchuk, Tuesday, 4 February 1992

Kohl and Kravchuk discuss Ukraine-Russia relations and problems within the newly established Commonwealth of Independent States. They review the prospects for the dismantlement of nuclear and chemical weapons in Ukraine.

October 27, 1978

Conspect of Conversations with V. I. Potapov, Chief of Romanian Sector of CPSU CC Section

V.I Potapov informs about a visit to Bucharest of the CPSU delegation led by A. A. Gromyko and the discussions regarding the “Bessarabian question,” criticism of the CPSU regarding RSR’s relations with the USA and NATO and independent relations with China, RSR’s distancing from the Soviet Union and the other socialist countries in terms of foreign policy.