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Kim Yeong-cheol

Lieutenant general in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) armed forces and head of the Policy Bureau of the National Defense Commission.


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KIM YEONG-CHEOL (?-?). Lieutenant general in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) armed forces and head of the Policy Bureau of the National Defense Commission. Kim is also commander in chief of the Gaeseong Military District and a regular participant in North-South Military Talks. In 2008, he made two visits to the Gaeseong Industrial Zone to inform Republic of Korea companies of proposed restrictions on movement and to establish how quickly they could close up if the DPRK decided to shut down the zone. In any event, the implied threat did not materialize. In March 2009, Kim became a first time delegate to the DPRK parliament, the Supreme People's Assembly.

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