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Yi Si-yeong

Yi was a former high-ranking official in the government of the Yi dynasty. In 1930, he and Kim Gu formed the Korean Independence Party.


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YI SI-YEONG (1868-1953). Yi was a former high-ranking official in the government of the Yi dynasty. In 1910, at the time of Japan's annexation of Korea, he fled to Manchuria, where he established a military school to train young Koreans. After serving as the minister of justice and the minister of finance in the Korean Provisional Government in China from 1919, in 1930 he and Kim Gu formed the Korean Independence Party. On returning to Korea in 1945, he played a leading role in the National Council for Rapid Realization of Korean Independence as its chairman. He was elected vice president of the Republic of Korea in 1948, but in 1951 he resigned the vice presidency in protest against the undemocratic rule of Dr. Syngman Rhee. In 1952, he ran unsuccessfully for the presidency in opposition to Rhee.

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