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April 5, 1989

Record of Conversation between M.S. Gorbachev and Prime Minister of Great Britain Margaret Thatcher (at the Airport and on the way to the Embassy), London

M.S. Gorbachev and Margaret Thatcher discuss global geopolitical issues, particularly growing terrorist organizations across Africa.

February 7, 1989

Record from Protocol No. 147 of the Meeting of the Politburo of the CC CPSU, Supplying Arms to Angola

In response to requests from the President of Angola, José Eduardo dos Santos, the CC CPSU agrees to supply arms which will be sent from the Soviet Union to the Republic of Cuba, and then provided during the withdrawal of Cuban troops from the People’s Republic of Angola.


Anatoly Adamishin, 'The White Sun of Angola' (excerpts)

Anatoly Adamishin explains the crucial role that Cubans played in the Angolan conflict. Through large scale Cuban involvement, the cost for South Africa to continue its involvement in the conflict became too high and led to peace talks. However, the author still underlines the fact that it was Soviet arms that the Cubans were using in their fighting.


Vladimir Kazimirov, 'My MGIMO [Moscow State Institute of International Relations]' (excerpts)

Russian diplomat Vladimir Kazimirov recalls events surrounding and following the establishment of peace in Angola in 1988 and the lead up to establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and the Republic of South Africa.


Peter Gusev, 'Search for Your Destiny' (excerpts)

The recollection of a Soviet General who was stationed in Angola during the 1987-88 operation against UNITA around Cuito-Cuanavale. Offers his perspective on the operation, including Cuban involvement, experiencing South African artillery bombardment, and his impression of Angolan fears of white South Africans.


Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Mityaev, 'The Oral History of Forgotten Wars: Memories of the War in Angola' (excerpts)

Soviet soldier describes realities of war in Angola, including the powerful South African counter-offenses that he experienced.


Igor Zhdarkin, 'We Did Not See it Even in Afghanistan: Memoirs of a Participant of the Angolan War,1986–1988,' (excerpts)

Memoirs of a Soviet soldier fighting in Angola, depicting the scenes of warfare where South African artillery and air force attacked Soviet and MPLA positions, leading many MPLA fighters to flee.

April 26, 1979

USSR Embassy in Cuba, 'Informational Letter on Contemporary Cuban-American Relations'

The Soviet Embassy in Havana gives an overview of the latest developments in US-Cuban relations. While steps towards a rapprochment have been undertaken, both sides are deadlocked on the issue of Cuba's military involvement in Africa.

November 23, 1981

Transcript of Meeting between US Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig, Jr., and Cuban Vice Premier Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, Mexico City

Memorandum of conversation taken during the secret meeting between Alexander Haig and Cuban Vice Premier arranged by Carlos R. Rodriguez, Mexican Foreign Minister, in Mexico City

July 4, 1975

Soviet Ambassador to Angola E.I. Afanasenko, Memorandum of Conversation with Angolan President Neto

Soviet Ambassador to the People's Republic of Angola E.I. Afanasenko, Memorandum of Conversation with President of the MPLA Agostinho Neto where Neto elaborates on Angolan relations with other parties in neighboring countries and requests financial and military aid.
