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November 27, 1998

Memorandum to General Ralston, VCJCS, from Strobe Talbott

Talbott writes to General Ralston on a policy of "no-first-use" of nuclear weapons being promoted by NATO allies, the European Security and Defence Identity (ESDI), and India and Pakistan. He summarizes his recent communications with Jaswant Singh.

June 1998

Information Memorandum from Burgess Laird for Ambassador Bill Richardson, 'CFR Dinner Meeting with Jaswant Singh'

Burgess Laird summarizes Jasawant Singh's comments at a recent CFR dinner. Notes from an internal Department of State meeting about the US approach to India and Pakistan are also included with Laird's memo.

June 4, 1998

Memo from Strobe Talbott to Sandy Berger

Strobe Talbott outlines international efforts against India and Pakistan following nuclear tests by both countries.

May 16, 1997

Memorandum of Conversation: Meeting with President Kuchma of Ukraine

President Clinton and President Kuchma discuss NATO-Ukraine relations, Russa-Ukraine relations, and domestic politics in Russia and Ukraine. Kuchma relays to Clinton that "I am deeply confident that Russia will never agree to an independent Ukraine in its mentality and thinking."

July 24, 1997

Memorandum for Glyn T. Davies from Alexander Vershbow, 'Memorandum of Conversation between the President and President Herzog of Germany'

Clinton and Herzog discuss NATO expansion and U.S. relations with Romania, Ukraine, and other states in Europe. Herzog cautions against Romania immediately joining NATO.