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June 25, 1949

Jewish Activities

Report of the movements of three men who met with Jack Franco in Beirut.

June 10, 1949

Jewish Activities

Report on Lito Bahyut's operation smuggling goods into Palestine.

April 28, 1949

Gold Smuggling into Palestine

Short document discussing Palestinian Jews smuggling gold into Palestine from Beirut.


A British Plan against Saudi Arabia

Report from Basra of a British plan regarding the Hijaz and Jordanian and Palestinian territories.

December 1, 1948

A Special Report

Meeting between Iraqi delegation and King Abdullah.

August 4, 1948

The Iraqi Parliamentary Delegation's Visit to Jordan and Syria, and King Abdullah’s Attempts at Annexing Palestine to Jordan based on Bernadotte's Plan

Description of an Iraqi parliamentary delegation's visit to Jordan and Syria, and King Abdullah’s intent to annex the Arab areas of Palestine to Trans-Jordan.

January 1, 1956

Communist Activities

Report on a meeting between the Syrian and Lebanese Communist Parties in Damascus.

November 27, 1953

Untitled report on an Israeli plan to attack the Palestinians

Report on Israeli military strength and position on the military strength of the other Arab countries.

November 10, 1953

An Important Report about a Palestinian Network Working for America to Settle Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon

Report on a network working to settle Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.

March 28, 1952

His Eminence Haj Amin al-Husseini's [Amīn al-Ḥusaynī] Visit, and the Real Reason behind his Mission in Beirut

Report on the President of the Higher Arab Commission's visit to Beirut to discuss Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.
