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Date unknown

Revolutionary Command Council Meeting Attended by Saddam Hussein and High Ranking Military Commanders

This undated audio file handles one of the Revolutionary Command Council meetings, attended by Saddam Hussein and some high-ranking commanders. The meeting addressed the UN and the Security Council resolutions against Iraq. Also discussed were the negotiations with Russia and France, British messages to the Russians to help release an unidentified British prisoner, frozen Iraqi assets, and biological/chemical weapons.

March 3, 2000

Gore and US Foreign Policy: Conversation with Leon Fuerth

The document records a conversation with Leon Fuerth, Vice President Gore's National Security Adviser, discussing key issues in US foreign policy around March 2000. Topics included concerns about Northern Ireland, Russia's power under Putin, and tensions in Montenegro, China. Fuerth also expressed worries about campaign issues, particularly related to Gore's foreign policy priorities and his own potential future role as National Security Adviser.

December 16, 1999

Letter, O'Brien to Sherard Cowper-Coles, 'Telephone Call with President Clinton, 16 December'

Clinton and Blair discuss Israel/Syria, Iraq, the Helsinki Summit, translatic relations, Russia, the IMF, and Northern Ireland.

December 29, 1999

Cable, Secretary of State to the US Embassy Moscow, 'Memorandum of Conversation -- Meeting between the Deputy Secretary and Russian Prime Minister Putin, Moscow, 22 December 1999'

Putin and Talbott discuss the Russian Duma elections, Chechnya, Georgia, Iran's nuclear program, and START-2.

December 18, 1998

Cable, US Embassy Moscow to the Secretary of State, 'Deputy Secretary [Talbott] Meets Malashenko'

Deputy Secretary Talbott met with Media Most Vice Chairman Igor Malashenko December 8. Malashenko reviewed the domestic political situation. He said Yeltsin would remain in office until 2000 at all costs, and suggested that Luzhkov had the best shot at succeeding him. He was positive on Yavlinskiy's strength, and saw him as a possible kingmaker and prime minister in 2000. He viewed the changes in the Presidential Administration darkly, particularly given the military counterintelligence backgrounds of key figures there and in Primakov's entourage. He said that the fate of FSB Director Putin, a Chubays protege, would be a litmus test of intentions on safeguarding civil liberties. Malashenko admitted Media Most and NTV had been severely weakened by the crisis. To buy time for the 18-24 months he estimated it would take the economy to recover, Gusinskiy was negotiating to sell a further 25 percent of the company to Gazprom.

December 3, 1989

Dialogues between Saddam Hussein, Iraqi ambassadors and journalists in foreign countries

This file contains dialogues between Saddam Hussein and Iraqi ambassadors in foreign countries. This period contains an Iraqi ambassador comment on the Zionist influence in the United States. He stated that the American brains were conducting the Zionism in the United States. He added that the Jewish immigration whether to Israel or to the United states would create a threat on the Arab Countries. Saddam commented that the Soviet Jewish immigration to these states would decrease because the regime has changed in the Soviet Union. He said that Israel wished the Berlin wall would move to the States of the Middle East. Their target was to eliminate the wall separating them from the Arab States. He added that the democratic changes were continuously occurring. He gave an example about a protest in Czechoslovakia. It leads to the resignation of 11 Ministers of the Czechoslovakian government. Saddam answered that when a protest occurred in the Yarmuk City, Iraq, the Revolutionary Command Council considered carefully how to deal with the protest. . Israel was afraid from the Iraqi evolution to a technologically developed country. Saddam stated that every new power appearing in the world might threaten the two existent enormous poles. That was the reason Iraq fought. This period contains the Saddam declaration on the ambassadors' freedom to express their opinions. He also noticed that they were well prepared for the discussion. He added that the good preparation for the conferences was the key of their success.

November 15, 1986

Saddam and the Revolutionary Command Council Discuss President Ronald Reagan's Speech in which he Admitted that the United States had a Relationship with Iran

This audio file contains a meeting between Saddam Hussein and the Revolutionary Command Council members to discuss the position of the US and Russia towards the Iraq war, specifically citing a Reagan speech which confirms US-Iran relations. It discusses Russia's position. Furthermore, he talks about the deal that America had offered to Iraq in which America would support Iraq with weapons and Iraq would give the US Russian tanks to be examined. Saddam comments on some of President Regan's speech like stopping the war and censuring violence. Saddam recommends sending a letter to the United States Government in which Iraq expresses its suspicions of the American positions. In addition, Saddam said that America is trying to create a misunderstanding between Iraq and Saudi Arabia, and America's desire of not leaving the alliance with Iran for the benefit of Russia will force it to achieve the Iranian ambitions in the Arabian Gulf. Then Tariq 'Aziz talks about the friendly relationships with the great countries. He said that it's a hopeless case because the great countries are running after their own benefits even if it's against its own friends. Discussion regarding America wanting to end the war through supporting Iran, also to achieve its alliance with Iran. He adds that if America follows this policy, it will commit political suicide in the region.


Meeting between Saddam and Iraqi Military Commanders to Discuss Preparations to Defend against Attacks by Colation Forces after the Gulf War

This file contains the record of a meeting between Saddam and his military commanders on efforts to defend Iraq from any coalition attacks following the Gulf War. They discuss the UN inspection regime, the diplomatic panorama, the prospects for Russian support, and other issues. They argue that Iraq was stronger after the Gulf War than before.


Saddam Hussein Meeting with his Cabinet and Ba'ath Party Members During the Embargo on Iraq and the Russian-Chechen War, and the Status of Iraqi Politics in Leadup to Elections

The following undated, hour long audio tape is from a meeting between Saddam Hussein, his cabinet, and Ba'ath Party members regarding the embargo on Iraq and the Russian-Chechen War.

July 1993

Saddam Meets with Tariq Aziz and Iraqi High-ranking Officials Regarding Ekeus, Inspections, and other Matters

This audio file contains a meeting between Saddam Hussein and Iraqi high-ranking officials in which they discuss different issues. Tarqi Aziz discusses the technical negotiations in New York, and the Security Council Resolution 687 of 1991. He asks whether the sanctions will be lifted after the end of the special commission. He recommends hurrying with the commission to shorten the period of inspection and to let them use the cameras they requested in order to claim Iraq had not imposed any obstacles during the inspection process. Saddam states the special target group is concerned with future observation rather than what they have already done so far. He adds that the attempts of overthrowing the regime have failed, thus they insist on using cameras to guarantee future observation. One of the speakers advises to let the team work in a technical and a professional mechanism away from means of media which always exaggerate things and make matters worse. Saddam shifts to another subject, saying that Iraq has unmasked western democracy. They discuss European political affairs, ruling parties, socialism, and what Arabs and Asians face from offering those hard jobs and low positions requiring only physical effort. Finally, they agree to send a message to the commission saying that when you believe in an appropriate way towards Iraq, you will have positive results. 
