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January 28, 1972

Czechoslovak Embassy in Havana to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 6th Territorial Department, 'Cuba-Latin America-USA Relations in the Second Half of 1971'

The document discusses Cuba's evolving foreign relations in the second half of 1971, emphasizing its efforts to normalize ties with Latin American countries and reduce its isolation. Key achievements include strengthened relations with Chile and Peru, entry into the "Group of 77," and growing interest among Latin American states in reestablishing connections with Cuba, despite U.S. opposition. Fidel Castro's high-profile visit to Chile and growing support for Cuba within the region are contrasted with the stagnation of US-Cuban relations, where Cuba remains a contentious issue in American politics.

This document summary was generated by an artificial intelligence language model and was reviewed by a Wilson Center staff member.

March 11, 1974

Stenographic Protocol of the Meeting between Todor Zhivkov and Raul Castro Rus

Stenographic protocol of the meeting between Todor Zhivkov - First Secretary of the Central Committee of the BKP and Chairman of the State Council of the NRB, and the Second Secretary of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party and First Deputy Chairman of the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba Raul Castro.

July 4, 1991

The Chancellor's [Helmut Kohl's] Meeting with the Secretary General of the United Nations Perez de Cuellar on Tuesday, 2 July 1991, in Bonn

Kohl and Perez de Cuellar discuss Germany's international role, European integration, the Yugoslavia War, the Middle East and the end of Perez de Cuellar's tenure as UN Secretary General.

May 31, 1968

Compilation of Comments on the Treaty of Tlatelolco Formulated during the General Debate of the First Committee on the Topic of the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (Excluding Those of the Representative of Mexico...)

This memorandum is a compendium of comments about the Treaty of Tlatelolco made by different delegations at the UN. It includes statements by the delegates from the United States, Brazil, Ireland, Ethiopia, Austria, Italy, Pakistan, El Salvador, Mauritania, Iraq, Greece, Spain, Tanzania, Zambia, the Netherlands, Argentina, Venezuela, Sierra Leone, Canada, Jordan, Ecuador, Guyana, Colombia, Malta, Panama, Bolivia, Costa Rica, and Peru, in that order.

July 27, 1990

National Intelligence Daily for Friday, 27 July 1990

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 27 July 1990 describes the latest developments in Iraq, Kuwait, Liberia, the Soviet Union, Peru, Eastern Europe, Poland, El Salvador, Sri Lanka, Philippines and Japan.

July 3, 1991

National Intelligence Daily for Wednesday, 3 July 1991

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 3 July 1991 describes the latest developments in Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union, Iraq, Israel, Peru, China, and Cuba.

September 29, 1989

National Intelligence Daily for Friday, 29 September 1989

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 29 September 1989 describes the latest developments in China, Tunisia, the Soviet Union, Ecuador, Peru, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Philippines, Indonesia, Iran, and Brazil.

February 20, 1969

Telegram from the Indian Embassy in Peru on 'Indo-Peruvian Cultural Institute

Discusses the establishment of the Indo-Peruvian Cultural Institute

May 21, 1963

Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, Record of Conversation with First Secretary of the Communist Party of Bolivia, Mario Monje, Prague

In a conversation with the head of the CPCz international department in May 1963, PCB First Secretary Mario Monje reveals the extent of his party’s modus vivendi with Paz Estenssoro’s governing Revolutionary Nationalist Movement (MNR). According to Monje, the Bolivian president was "heavily involved" with Operation Matraca, an ongoing Cuban-sponsored guerrilla operation targeting the military governing in neighboring Peru.

September 1985

Central Intelligence Agency, Directorate of Intelligence, 'Argentina: Seeking Nuclear Independence: An Intelligence Assessment'

According to the 1985 report, the Argentines “have achieved at least a proof of principle of uranium enrichment via gaseous diffusion.” In other words, they had a workable system. Nevertheless, the enrichment plant would not be “fully operational until 1987-1988.” While the assessment of Argentine interest in nuclear weapons did not change, CIA analysts asserted that “Argentina continues to develop the necessary facilities and capabilities that could support a nuclear weapons development effort.”
