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September 1, 1958

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1958, No. 26 (Overall Issue No. 153)

This issue includes a declaration supporting the Soviet Union's proposal for an emergency UN General Assembly session, a joint declaration with Iraq establishing diplomatic relations, and agreements with the United Arab Republic (Egypt) to enhance postal services. It also features a joint statement with Cambodia highlighting mutual respect and cooperation, as well as updated regulations on the collection and storage of tobacco and cotton, emphasizing efficient methods to bolster agricultural and industrial productivity.

July 26, 1958

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1958, No. 24 (Overall Issue No. 151)

This issue highlights China's recognition of Iraq's new government following its revolution, denunciations of US military intervention in Lebanon and British troop deployments in Jordan, and directives to enhance rural infrastructure and agricultural practices, including tools for crop management and guidelines for vegetable production and supply.

July 7, 1958

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1958, No. 22 (Overall Issue No. 149)

This issue addresses China's ultimatum to the United States to resume Sino-American negotiations within 15 days, policies to promote the recycling and utilization of scrap materials to support economic development, and agricultural initiatives in Qinghai province, including the widespread adoption of corn silage to enhance livestock feed resources. It also condemns US interference in Lebanon, reaffirming China's support for Lebanese sovereignty and the broader anti-imperialist efforts of Arab nations.

January 23, 2003

Praising Saddam and Some of Aphorisms; Lists of Top Leadership Names, Ba'ath Party Main Principles and Meeting Minutes during 2003

This file contains Saddam's aphorism, lists of top leadership names, Ba'ath Party main principles and meeting minutes during 2003.


Saddam Hussein and Other Officials Discussing Ba'th Party Support to its Lebanese Branch, Its Ideology, and Other Party Affairs

This 93 minute audio file dated from 1992 contains a meeting chaired by the Iraqi President with the National Command of the Ba'th Party. They discussed the following topics: ‐Dispatching Iraqi Ba‐thists to Lebanon to support the Lebanese Ba'th party there. ‐ Edification of the people in southern and northern Iraq over the Party's principles. ‐The mechanism of defending the Iraqi sovereignty from the Kurdish, and Iranian enemies. ‐ Ba'th party affairs. ‐The role of the Iraqi media during the 1st Gulf war. ‐ Research centers and their impact on the development of the Iraqi individual. ‐The foreign propaganda and media attacks on the country. ‐ Reviving the national intellect. ‐ The Ba'th party ideology. ‐ controlling the treason acts in southern and northern Iraq. (Translator's Comment: from 01:15:59 till 01:33:37 are blank.)

August 1, 1958

Second Conversation of N.S. Khrushchev with Mao Zedong, August 1, 1958, in Zhongnanhai

On this second day of the talks, international affairs were the main topic of conversation. From the Soviet record, which like those of the first and the next discussion, was made by Fedorenko and the third secretary of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anatolii I. Filyov, it is evident that the atmosphere was fully relaxed, anti-imperialism brought the communist leaders together. Both hated America, Great Britain, France, West Germany, Japan, and their leaders. They discussed the situation in the Near East in detail and were heartened by the victory of leftist forces in Iraq. They joked a lot. And only at the end did Mao lightly touch upon his claims to Khrushchev, who at once reminded the Chinese leader of the Soviet advisors. It was obvious that this question continued to bother him, and Khrushchev exacerbated his grievance.

April 29, 1993

State Minister Schmidbauer's Meeting with the Chairman of Iran's Foreign Parliamentary Foreign Policy Committee and Secretary of Iran's National Security Council, Mister Hassan Rouhani, on 29 April 1993 in Bonn

Schmidbauer and Rouhani review the state of bilateral relations. They discuss Iran's arms control policy and its interest in the aquisitation of nuclear technology for peaceful uses, as Rouhani argues. Rouhani reiterates Iran's readiness for whatever kind of international nuclear inspections. Iran's interest was still the finalization of the Bushehr nuclear power plant.

September 14, 1992

The Chancellor's [Helmut Kohl's] Meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Rabin on Monday, 14 September 1992

Kohl and Rabin discuss the situation in the Near and Middle East and the changed in Syria's position toward Israel after the demise of the Soviet Union. Rabin expresses concern about the continued arms race in the region and Syria's purchases of Scud missiles from Russia and Slovakia. He also reiterates Iraq's continued capability to go nuclear within 5 to 6 years despite international arms control inspections. Last but not least, Kohl and Rabin discuss the situation in Iran and Kohl's contacts with President Rafsandjani.

June 30, 1992

The Chancellor's [Helmut Kohl's] Meeting with French President Mitterrand over Breakfast on Saturday, 27 June 1992

Mitterrand emphasizes that Yugoslavia could turn into "a second Vietnam” in case of a Western military intervention.  He questions the rational of U.S. and British policy in the Balkans and rejects France's military involvement. Kohl rules out Germany's participation in military operations.

September 20, 1982

Record of Soviet-Indian Talks

Brezhnev tells Gandhi about the Soviet Union's concern with recent American actions in the Middle East and shares his fear of increased nuclear capacity. Gandhi seconds these worries, celebrates the friendship between India and the Soviet Union, and requests Soviet assistance in developing India's economy.
