Eastern Europe
(372) documents
North America
1880- 1959
1879- 1953
Western Europe
1886- 1957
1890- 1986
1874- 1965
February 22, 1946
George F. Kennan writes to the Secretary of State with a lengthy analysis of Soviet policy in an attempt to explain their recent uncooperative behavior. This message would later become famous as the "long telegram."
May 8, 1945
English text of the official act of military surrender to the Allied and Soviet forces signed by German High Command.
February 11, 1945
The text of the agreements reached at the Yalta (Crimea) Conference between President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill and Generalissimo Stalin.
January 29, 1941
Notes from L.A. Leont’ev's January 1941 meeting with Stalin, regarding drafts of two commissioned textbooks on political economy. Stalin gives his views on "planning", "wages", "fascism", and other issues.
May 17, 1946
Speech by Mátyás Rákosi, General Secretary of the Hungarian Communist Party at the Meeting of the Central Committee, 17 May 1946.
February 15, 1952
Stalin discusses his "Remarks" on the finished political economy textbook, and fields questions regarding the "Remarks" and various terminologies in the book. Stalin emphasizes the importance of keeping the public knowledge of the extent of his involvement in the formation of the text to a minimum.
May 30, 1950
Meeting about Political economy. Discussions on political economy and book pending publication.
September 1939
Secret Texts of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-Aggression Pact, 1939
May 9, 1940
Memorandum to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU on Troop strength orders for the Red Army, May 9, 1940. Proposals for strengthening of Soviet armed forces.
August 1941
Report by Vyshinsky to Molotov concerning trade and economic cooperation between the Soviet Union and the United States, August 1941