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October 5, 1967

Aide-Memoire to Commissioner Martino by Robert Schaetzel, 'Article III of the Non-Proliferation Treaty'

This memorandum to Commissioner Martino from Ambassador Schaetzel accepts the Soviet Draft Article III as he believes it will permit non-nuclear Euratom countries to negotiate collectively with the IAEA and permit a satisfactory verification concept.

January 18, 1968

Presentation to the Institute of International Law Gottingen University by Felix Oboussier, 'Potential Impacts of Non-Proliferation Treaty Draft on the Euratom Treaty'

This presentation, given by Felix Oboussier, discusses the potential impacts the NPT may have on the Euratom Treaty. He concludes that a definitive opinion on the whether or not the requirements and objections of non-nuclear member states have been fully taken into account seems premature.

January 1968

Jan Gijssels, 'Euratom and the Draft Non-Proliferation Treaty of Nuclear Weapons in Terms of Law'

This article by Jan Gijssels discusses the legal implications of Euratom and the proposed Non-Proliferation Treaty.

September 20, 1971

Note to the Executive Management of Foreign Affairs on Euratom Verification Agreement

This document includes council directives to the Commission for the negotiation of a Euratom verification agreement in accordance with Article III, 4, of the NPT.

February 28, 1967

Interview with M. Margulies, German member of the Commission by Karl H. Schwarz, 'The Euratom Treaty Bursts'

This interview with M. Margulies describes the Euratom Treaty as a tangible manifestation of a desire for peace.

February 27, 1967

Note by the Euratom Commission, 'Construction of an Eventual Isotopic Separation Plant'

This note from the Euratom Commision details the possible construction of an isotope separation plant in the European Community.

February 7, 1967

Note to the French Council of Ministers on the Non-Proliferation Treaty

This note to the Council of Ministers details the jurisdiction and consequences stemming from the American request that an Article III be included into the NPT.

September 13, 1967

European Commission to the Council of Ministers on the Russian Draft of Article III of the Non-Proliferation Treaty

This memo to the Council of Ministers from the Euratom Commission examines the Russian draft of Article III of the NPT. It draws attention to the gradual convergence of Russian and American positions on the control clauses of the Treaty.

October 10, 1967

European Commission, 'Exchange of Views on the Problems Posed by the Draft Treaty of Non-Proliferation'

This memo to the Euratom Commission detailed the reaction of the Council of Minister on the problems in the proposed non-proliferation treaty.

October 9, 1967

Note on the American Aide-Memoire on Article III of the Non-Proliferatoin Treaty

This note describes an American memo detailing the Soviet project to create an Article III in the Nonproliferation Treaty Note.
