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July 24, 1991

The Chancellor's [Helmut Kohl's] Meeting with American President Bush During Breakfast on Monday, 15 July 1991, in London

Kohl and Bush debate NATO's reform, NATO's forthcoming summit and France's international role as well as economic assistance for the Soviet Union and the relevance of the London World Economic Summit.

July 15, 1991

Memorandum of Conversation: Meeting with Helmut Kohl, Chancellor of Germany on July 15, 1991

Bush, Kohl, and others discuss relations with France and France's views of NATO, talks between the US and the USSR over the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I), safeguarding the Brazilian rainforest, the Uruguay Round of the GATT, support for economic reforms in the Soviet Union, and US-German relations.

May 31, 1968

Compilation of Comments on the Treaty of Tlatelolco Formulated during the General Debate of the First Committee on the Topic of the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (Excluding Those of the Representative of Mexico...)

This memorandum is a compendium of comments about the Treaty of Tlatelolco made by different delegations at the UN. It includes statements by the delegates from the United States, Brazil, Ireland, Ethiopia, Austria, Italy, Pakistan, El Salvador, Mauritania, Iraq, Greece, Spain, Tanzania, Zambia, the Netherlands, Argentina, Venezuela, Sierra Leone, Canada, Jordan, Ecuador, Guyana, Colombia, Malta, Panama, Bolivia, Costa Rica, and Peru, in that order.

June 14, 1968

Report of the Representative of Mexico, Ambassador Alfonso García Robles, 22nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly (Part Two), First Commission

Alfonso Garcia Robles explained how the Mexican delegation tried to gather the support of the Latin American countries for the NPT draft. These countries prepared and presented modifications to the NPT text, and the United States and the Soviet Union accepted some of these proposals. Garcia Robles reported that the Argentinian and Brazilian representatives said they recognized the value of the NPT but would not support it if it kept its clause prohibiting peaceful nuclear explosions. The Ambassador also reported the Soviet positive reactions toward the Treaty of Tlatelolco. Garcia Robles recounted the skepticism of some delegations toward the NPT. He recommended not to sign the NPT in 1968 unless the Soviet Union signed Protocol II of the Treaty of Tlatelolco, which includes negative security assurances.

May 6, 1966

Memorandum on Talks of Com[rade] Z. Kliszko with a Delegation of the Communist Party of Brazil on May 6, 1966

Delegations of the PUWP and the BCP discuss politics in Brazil and the organization of the Brazilian Communist Party.

April 8, 1966

Meeting with the Delegation of the Communist Party of Brazil

Delegations of the PUWP and the BCP discuss politics in Brazil and the organization of the Brazilian Communist Party.

August 11, 1962

Cable from Aleksander Krajewski [on a Meeting between Naszkowski and Valente]

A summary of a meeting between Polish Minister Naszkowski and Brazilian Ambassador Valente.

August 16, 1962

Cable from Aleksander Krajewski [on the Arrest of a Brazilian Citizen]

Krajewski reports that a Brazilian citizen was arrested at the Warsaw Airport for suspected smuggling.

October 31, 1962

Coded Message No. 16065 from Rio de Janeiro

An update on the "enormous struggle" to execute a sale of Polish helicopters to Brazil.

November 7, 1962

Coded Message No. 16329 from Rio de Janeiro

A confidant of President Goulart claims that Brazil wishes to buy 100 helicopters from Poland immediately.
