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September 20, 1982

Record of Soviet-Indian Talks

Brezhnev tells Gandhi about the Soviet Union's concern with recent American actions in the Middle East and shares his fear of increased nuclear capacity. Gandhi seconds these worries, celebrates the friendship between India and the Soviet Union, and requests Soviet assistance in developing India's economy.

March 12, 1955

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1955, No. 1 (Overall Issue No. 4)

This issue includes statements from Zhou Enlai about American intervention in Taiwan, the establishment of Sino-Yugoslav relations, Sino-Afghan relations, and Sino-Indonesian trade. It also condemns American, French, and KMT Nationalist activities in North Vietnam. Finally, it discusses domestic topics such as divorce and manufacturing.

November 9, 1986

Cable No. 3757, Ambassador Nakae to the Foreign Minister, 'The Prime Minister’s Visit to China (Meeting with General Secretary Hu - Japan-China Relations)'

Hu and Nakasone discuss some of their countries respective foreign policy priorities, including the USSR, the United States, the Cambodian-Vietnamese conflict, Eastern Europe, and Afghanistan, as well as arms control.

July 25, 1991

National Intelligence Daily for Thursday, 25 July 1991

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 25 July 1991 describes the latest developments in Iraq, Kuwait, the Soviet Union, Israel, Lebanon, ASEAN, South Africa, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Pakistan and Middle East.

August 9, 1989

National Intelligence Daily for Wednesday, 9 August 1989

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 9 August 1989 describes the latest developments in Iran, Lebanon, the Soviet Union, Afghanistan, Poland, Suriname, South Korea, and East Germany.

August 1, 1989

National Intelligence Daily for Tuesday, 1 August 1989

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 1 August 1989 describes the latest developments in Lebanon, Cuba, Poland, the Soviet Union, Iran, China, Kuwait, and Afghanistan.

January 14, 1989

National Intelligence Daily for Saturday, 14 January 1989

The CIA's National Intelligence Daily for 14 January 1989 covers developments in Afghanistan, France, Cuba, Lebanon, Syria, the Soviet Union, and China. Certain portions of the document are redacted due to b(1) and b(3) exemptions.

April 27, 1970

Embassy of the GDR in the PR China, 'Note about the Club Meeting of the Ambassadors and Acting Ambassadors of Hungary, Czechoslovakia, the GDR, the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Poland, and Mongolia on 17 April 1970 in the Embassy of Poland'

A report on the current domestic situation of China and their foreign policy.

December 19, 1965

Record of Conversation from Premier Zhou's Reception of UAR Deputy Prime Minister Aziz Sedky

Zhou Enlai criticises the developmental aid policies and practices of the United States and the Soviet Union. He and Sedky also discuss Chinese aid to Egypt.

October 15, 1980

Report by Permanent Representative to NATO Vincenzo Tornetta to Minister of Foreign Affairs Colombo: Atlantic Council - Consultations about security in view of the CSCE meeting to be held in Madrid"

Report from the Italian permanent representative to NATO, Tornetta, from the CSCE meeting in Madrid discusses the French proposal for a Conference on Disarmament (CDE) in Europe, and the negative impact of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan on the international climate, even giving rise to disagreement among NATO members.
