Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Middle East
1931- 2022
1931- 2007
Southeast Asia
1916- 1996
1922- 2012
June 29, 1991
The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 29 June 1991 describes the latest developments in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Kuwait, the Soviet Union, Palestine, Jordan, Ethiopia, Germany, Poland, Netherlands, Togo, Czechoslovakia and Lebanon.
July 11, 1991
The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 11 July 1991 describes the latest developments in Yugoslavia, South Africa, the Soviet Union, Cambodia and Lebanon.
August 24, 1991
The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 24 August 1991 describes the latest developments in the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Cambodia, Lebanon, France, El Salvador, South Africa, China and Iran.
September 26, 1948
[Probable draft] of a joint security agreement between the Lebanese Sûreté Générale and the Syrian Sûreté Générale with sections on Jewish people, foreigners, artists, refugees, Palestinians, Communists, political and diplomatic personalities and Lebanese and Syrian nationals.