Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Central America and Caribbean
South America
1926- 2016
North America
East Asia
1913- 1989
May 18, 1960
Fidel Castro talks about Cuba's relations with Yugoslavia, the United States, and other countries in Latin America.
April 8, 1964
Bazykin relates Soviet work to refine blueprints of sugar harvesting technology, and Sanchez informs him that Polish architects will visit Cuba.
April 3, 1963
Carlos Rafael Rodriguez reflects on Cuba's international stature, an upcoming ORO National Leadership meeting, and divisive Chinese activity in Cuba.
March 23, 1963
Fidel Castro expresses concern over US efforts to isolate Cuba from other Latin America countries, including Brazil, and proposes an initiative to expand economic ties with Canada.
Fidel Castro addresses his controversial speech at the Congress of Women of America and contention over Soviet missiles and troops in Cuba.
October 28, 1963
Johann Lorenz Schmidt reports on meetings with General Secretary of the Brazilian Communist Party, Luis Carlos Prestes, during which they discussed the strong Chinese influence in Cuba.
March 9, 1963
An official in the GDR Foreign Policy and International Relations department reports on a meeting with General Secretary of the Communist Party of Brazil, Comrade Luis Carlos Prestes, in Havana.
October 30, 1962
Telegram describing conversation between Ambassador Chabasinski and former Brazilian president Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira. They discussed their dissatisfaction with the US's "Alliance for Progress" and recent US diplomatic efforts, among other topics.
March 6, 1963
Chairman Mao addresses the communist compulsion to revolution and past cases of revolutionary activities like the Cuban experience.
January 12, 1959
President Mao Zedong exchanged views with Governor Sampaio on Chinese development, the role of Asia, Africa, and Latin America vis-a-vis the West, and Brazilian foreign policy. Mao also describes his personal studies of the English language.