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March 28, 1960

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1960, No. 10 (Overall Issue No. 204)

Highlights a joint statement and an economic aid agreement between China and Nepal, along with discussions on the Chinese and Indian premiers' forthcoming meeting. It also addresses the Indonesian government's efforts to resolve the status of overseas Chinese and the challenges encountered by repatriated Chinese nationals. Updates on U.S.-China diplomatic engagements include China's firm stance on judicial sovereignty over espionage-related cases involving American individuals, and adjustments in China's oil industry management policies.

This document summary was generated by an artificial intelligence language model and was reviewed by a Wilson Center staff member.

February 8, 1960

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1960, No. 4 (Overall Issue No. 198)

Includes a joint communiqué with Burma affirming friendship and territorial agreements, the exchange of ratified documents on dual nationality with Indonesia, and guidelines on accommodating returning overseas Chinese.

This document summary was generated by an artificial intelligence language model and was reviewed by a Wilson Center staff member.

May 22, 1958

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1958, No. 18 (Overall Issue No. 145)

This issue condemns the United States for its interference in Indonesia's internal affairs, highlighting China's support for Indonesia's sovereignty and anti-imperialist struggle. It also announces taxation adjustments to enhance economic efficiency and provides detailed guidance on developing and distributing agricultural machinery tailored for cooperative societies to boost productivity. The issue underscores the importance of international solidarity and domestic resource management in fostering agricultural and economic growth.

June 15, 1961

Record of a Conversation between N.S. Khrushchev and President Sukarno

Sukarno tells Khrushchev about his trip to China and the possibilities of Chinese annexation of Taiwan. Khrushchev says the USSR fully supports the PRC's actions. The parties also discuss the reorganization of the United Nations.

October 20, 1956

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1956, No. 37 (Overall Issue No. 63)

This issue features a joint statement from Zhou Enlai and Nepali Prime Minister Tanka Prasad Acharya. It also includes a joint press release about the visit of Indonesian President Sukarno and a telegram from Zhou Enlai about an exhibition of Japanese goods. Other sections discuss state control over purchases and sales of grain, the division of surplus profits from state-owned enterprises, and agricultural production in disaster areas.

June 25, 1955

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1955, No. 9 (Overall Issue No. 12)

This issue covers Sino-Indonesian relations and the question of dual nationality. It also discusses marriage registration, cultural education for Chinese peasants, the cancellation of commercial credit between state-owned enterprises, and numerous changes to provincial or village boundaries.

May 10, 1955

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1955, No. 6 (Overall Issue No. 9)

This issue first covers several speeches that Zhou Enlai delivered at the Bandung Asian-African Conference. It also features statements about the issue of dual Chinese and Indonesian nationality, including a joint announcement from the prime minister and premier of both countries. The domestic topics include flood control, grain conservation, and vacation time for female employees in state agencies.

March 12, 1955

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1955, No. 1 (Overall Issue No. 4)

This issue includes statements from Zhou Enlai about American intervention in Taiwan, the establishment of Sino-Yugoslav relations, Sino-Afghan relations, and Sino-Indonesian trade. It also condemns American, French, and KMT Nationalist activities in North Vietnam. Finally, it discusses domestic topics such as divorce and manufacturing.

January 27, 1965

Conversation from [Mao Zedong's] Audience with Subandrio [then Foreign Minister of Indonesia]

Mao shares his views on education with Subandrio, arguing that students, particularly those in military schools, should study less and learn more from experience.

March 8, 1955

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1954, No. 3 (Overall Issue No. 3)

This issue covers a meeting between the Chinese and Burmese prime ministers. It also includes letters that a Chinese government delegation and Enver Hoxha exchanged for Albania's tenth anniversary, as well items on Vietnam, Indonesia, Taiwan, the United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Nations. In terms of domestic policy, among other topics, it provides instructions for issuing bonds to help build the nation's economy, regulations for arrest and detention, and regulations for urban residence committees.
