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May 27, 1989

China Division, Asian Affairs Bureau [Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan], '"Important Speech" of Chen Yun, Chairman of the Party’s Central Advisory Commission, Concerning Student Demonstrations, Military’s Movements'

A summary of a speech made by Chen Yun, reports from the Japanese Embassy on the Chinese military's movements in Beijing, and reports from across China.

May 28, 1989

China Division, Asian Affairs Bureau [Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan], 'Report from the Embassy in China Concerning Student Moves in Tiananmen Square'

A brief report on the demands of student protestors in Tiananmen Square, which includes the demand that Li Peng steps down.

May 28, 1989

China Division, Asian Affairs Bureau [Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan], 'Summary of Main Points on Student Demonstrations in the Vicinity of Tiananmen Square on the Morning, Afternoon of the 28th'

A report from a member of the Japanese Embassy in Beijing, who observed the student demonstrations in Tiananmen Square throughout the day of May 28.

May 29, 1989

Cable No. 1314, Foreign Minister Ad Interim to the Ambassador, Delegation of Japan to the OECD, 'Chinese Student Demonstrations (Main Points of the Minister’s Statement)'

A summary of Foreign Minister Uno's comments about China made at the Japan-France Summit Meeting. 

May 25, 1989

Cable No. 8894, Foreign Minister [Sosuke Uno] to the Ambassador in Britain et al, 'The Chinese Student Demonstrations'

The Japanese Foreign Minister sends an update on developments in Beijing to Japanese diplomatic missions across Europe, China, the United States, and Asia.

May 22, 1989

Cable No. 1414, Foreign Minister [Sosuke Uno] to the Ambassador in China, 'The Chinese Student Demonstrations'

The China Division within the Japanese Foreign Ministry reports on the declaration of martial law in Beijing and predicts what will happen next in terms of the student movement, the Chinese political leadership, and China's external relations.

May 18, 1989

China Division [Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan], 'Chinese Student Actions (Hunger Strike)'

The China Division provides an update on the student protests in China, commenting that "there is emotional support for the student demands" among the broad masses. The report also evaluates how the Chinese leadership is handling the protest movement.

July 5, 1994

The Chancellor's [Helmut Kohl's] Meeting with the Prime Minister of the People's Republic of China, Li Peng, on 4 July 1994 from 9.55 to 11.05 a.m. at the Federal Chancellery

Kohl and Li Peng discuss human rights in China and the Chinese interpretation of the Tiananmen   Square protests and massacre of 1989. Moreover, they review the relationship between the Vatican and China, German policy on Taiwan, China and  GATT, China and the USA as well as EC trade restrictions vis-à-vis China.

June 3, 1989

China Division, Asian Affairs Bureau [Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan], 'The Situation in China (Student Demonstrations)'

The document from the China Division, Asian Affairs Bureau of Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs reveals Japanese Embassy personnel observations of the events that took place in Xinjuamen and Xidan on the afternoon of June 3, 1989 following the Tiananmen Square incident. It also references Premier Li Peng and Defense Minister Qin Jeiwei’s response following the events.

June 3, 1989

Television News in Beijing at 7 o'clock in the Evening, June 3

Summary of the announcements of martial law in Beijing.
