Eastern Europe
(372) documents
East Asia
1912- 1994
North America
November 2, 1970
Kim Il Sung's speech to the Fifth Congress of the Korean Workers' Party.
December 5, 1960
Zhou and Nguyen Duy Trinh exchanged views regarding agricultural and industrial development. Zhou made comments on Vietnam's first five-year plan.
The AFKIC introduces its mission, the history of Korea, and the current situation on the Peninsula.
A report on a North Korean sponsored tour of Pyongyang made by staff and supporters of the AKFIC in 1972.
August 18, 1960
Samsonov discusses the "Chollima" movement that is launched to accelerate the economic development in the DPRK.
September 7, 1961
Manush Myftiu reports on the 4th Congress of the Korean Workers’ Party.
A speech by a delegate from Albania in which the speaker comments on Albania's foreign policy, economic development and campaigns in North Korea, the Vietnam War, and the United States' global military policy.
April 4, 1957
Brzezinski Henryk and Comrade Pimenov discuss political groups in North Korea, Soviet specialists in the DPRK, the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission, and the reunification of Korea.
June 20, 1963
Criticisms of the DPRK are made about Kim Il Sung's personality cult, concealment of socialist countries' support, waning cooperation with socialist countries, intensification of China-North Korea cooperation, and distancing from the Soviet Union.