Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Western Europe
Middle East
1930- 2017
North America
1934- 2017
1924- 2018
October 4, 1995
Kohl and Rafsanjani discuss the relevance of Bosnia and Hercegovina as a key issue for the Muslim world. In addition, they talk about a new major German credit for Iran.
June 14, 1994
Schmidbauer and Velayati discuss the release of a German prisoner in Iran as a precondition for Germany's support of Iran's request for closer association with the European Community.
May 1994
Rafsandjani expresses his gratitude for Kohl's concessions with regards to the debt rescheduling agreement with Iran. Moreover, they discuss the fate of Bosnian Muslims, Foreign Minsiter Velayati's forthcoming visit in Bonn and the release of a German prisoner in Iran.
February 28, 1994
Schmidtbauer and Vaezi discuss the state of bilateral negotiatins on debt rescheduling as well as Iran's aspirations for closer contacts with the European Community. Vaezi asks for support during Germany's EC Presidency in the second half of 1995. Schmidbauer insists on the release of a German prisoner in Iran as a gesture of goodwill.
February 18, 1994
Bitterlich and Mousavian review the state of bilateral relations and the importance of debt rescheduling for Iran. Bitterlich requests a more constructive Iranian role in the search for peace in the Middle East. Both discuss schemes for regional security and the CSCE process as a role model for the establishment of new multilateral security institutions in the Middle East.
April 29, 1993
Schmidbauer and Rouhani review the state of bilateral relations. They discuss Iran's arms control policy and its interest in the aquisitation of nuclear technology for peaceful uses, as Rouhani argues. Rouhani reiterates Iran's readiness for whatever kind of international nuclear inspections. Iran's interest was still the finalization of the Bushehr nuclear power plant.
October 8, 1992
Schmidbauer and Maleki review chances for the expansion of cooperation between Germany, Iran and the Islamic states of the former Soviet Union. Moreover, they debate the Hezbollah's involvement in the recent assassination of four Kurdish policymakers in Berlin.
September 14, 1992
Kohl and Rabin discuss the situation in the Near and Middle East and the changed in Syria's position toward Israel after the demise of the Soviet Union. Rabin expresses concern about the continued arms race in the region and Syria's purchases of Scud missiles from Russia and Slovakia. He also reiterates Iraq's continued capability to go nuclear within 5 to 6 years despite international arms control inspections. Last but not least, Kohl and Rabin discuss the situation in Iran and Kohl's contacts with President Rafsandjani.
June 3, 1992
Schmidbauer and Vaezi search for new overtures in bilateral cooperation. They discuss the problem of German hostages in Lebanon and attacks on Iran’s embassy in Bonn.
Kohl and Rafsanjani discuss Germany's role in the stabiliza5ion of the CIS countries and the Balkans. Rafsanjani expresses Iran's desire for the completion of the Bushehr nuclear power plant in a "good atmosphere" without pressure pledging that Iran was not planning any military use.