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May 6, 1960

Reception of Kojo Botsio, the Leader of a Delegation of the Legislative Assembly of Ghana, and J. B. Elliot, Ambassador of Ghana in the Soviet Union, by N. S. Khrushchev

On May 6, 1960, Nikita Khrushchev met with Kojo Botsio, leader of Ghana's Legislative Assembly delegation, and J.B. Elliot, Ghana's ambassador to the USSR, to discuss Ghana’s political and economic challenges and their vision for African independence. Botsio conveyed messages from Ghanaian Prime Minister Kwame Nkrumah, emphasizing the need to combat new forms of colonialism, secure economic independence, and develop infrastructure, particularly the Volta River hydroelectric project. Ghana expressed interest in technical and financial aid from the Soviet Union to support its socialist development agenda. Khrushchev assured Ghana of Soviet goodwill and potential collaboration while highlighting the challenges of colonial resistance. Both sides agreed on the importance of African liberation and socialist solidarity, with Khrushchev expressing support for future cooperation through on-site assessments by Soviet specialists.

This document summary was generated by an artificial intelligence language model and was reviewed by a Wilson Center staff member.

November 2, 1963

Telegram from Ambassador J.N. Khosla, 'Proposed Non-Aligned Conference' and 'Tito’s Tour of the Americas (Continued)'

Yugoslavia accepted a proposal for a second non-alignment conference, but was "not to keen" on it. Further details of Tito's tours through Bolivia, Mexico and the United States.

September 2, 1953

Letter, John W. Staggers to Syngman Rhee

John W. Staggers writes with information about purchasing a hydro-electric power plant.

September 10, 1953

Letter, Syngman Rhee's Office to John W. Staggers

Reply to John W. Staggers' letters concerning the purchase of Korean goods to sell in America and the purchase of a hydro-electric power plant.


A Visit to the DPRK: A Report from the Delegation of the American-Korean Friendship and Information Center to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

A report on a North Korean sponsored tour of Pyongyang made by staff and supporters of the AKFIC in 1972.

January 16, 1950

Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Indian Atomic Energy Commission

The Indian Atomic Energy Commission meets with the French High Commissioner for Atomic Energy Joliot-Curie to discuss nuclear cooperation between India and France.