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Saddam and Senior Military Officials discussing various Military Operations including Re‐capturing the al‐Fao Peninsula

The following undated audio tape details a meeting between Saddam Hussein and High‐ranking officers. 00‐54 minutes contain the following subjects: Saddam spoke regarding Iraq's past difficult situations, the Iraq‐Iran war, and the Iraqi use of helicopters. The transfer of Lieutenant General Hamid, who was in the Air force and now in the General Command. An unknown officer reported to Saddam the army's status in the battlefield (Translator Comment: Probably Iran‐Iraq War). " Saddam asked a person called Ahmad about his opinion regarding Al‐Faw and Ahmad reported to Saddam what happened there. " Lieutenant General Nizar spoke about the Liberation War, Tawklna 'Ala Allah war, and the Iranian Army. " Concerns from the Iraqi Army and the Military Intelligence to conceal plans and intentions from the United States.   Discussions on Saddam's orders regarding retaking the Al‐Faw.

May 11, 1983

Meeting between Saddam Hussein and various Iraqi Military Leaders

This file contains a transcription for a meeting between Saddam Hussein and the head of the Iraqi army, during the Iraqi‐Iranian War. Pages 2‐5 contain a detailed summary of the file written in English. Pages 6‐7 contain names of high‐ranking officers, for unspecified reason. Page 8 contains the register's number (64), the year (1983), and the transcript's number (1‐3). Pages 9 and 60 contain the names of the committee, which transcribe the meeting. Page 10 contains the index of the register, the tape's number (1), the date of recording (11/ 05/ 1983), and the codes. Page 11 contains names of personnel attending a meeting. Pages 12‐15 contain discussions between Saddam Hussein and Air Forces commander concerning the exploding of Iranian oil Fields
by bombing it with missiles. They also include orders by Saddam Hussein to destroy the Ardishir oil Field. Pages 16‐22 contain discussions between saddam Hussein, the chief Army of Staff, the Deputy chief Army of Staff, and the military Operation Director concerning the formation and the training of Brigades and Sectors and the activities on certain fronts. They also discussed the problems that soldiers face on the battleground because of the high number of casualties and destroyed weapons, so the battleground became infected. For the rest of the document, they also discussed the status of the battleground, weapons, deliveries, targeted Iranian locations.   Andimeshk and Dezful are mentioned repeatedly.

August 25, 1981

Transcript of a Meeting between Saddam Hussein and the General Command of the Armed Forces talking about Islamic History and the Situation around al‐Huwayzah

This file contains Pages 102‐112 and 130‐140 of the original 140 page document. The written information considered conversations between Saddam and the High leaders of the Army, talking, suggesting, discussing and  revising the histories of early Islamic battles and their heroes, warriors and commanders. They also discuss the situation around al‐Huwayzah, as well as other various battle‐related issues. There is a military cooperative situation between Iraq and Jordan, with vague references to a possible transfer of funds or arms transfer, that is also mentioned. The purchase of foreign currency, specifically French francs, is also briefly discussed.

January 7, 1981

Transcript of a General Command of the Armed Forces Meeting during the 1st Gulf War and Telephone Conversations

This file contains handwritten transcripts from a recording of a meeting of the Armed Forces, General Command and Saddam's phone conversations with a group of military leaders, dated January 7, 1981. These meetings cover military considerations for the Iraqi Forces in the 1st Gulf War and suggestions from commanders. 

  • Pages 2‐6 include the index of this record. 
  • Pages 7‐29 talk about the position of the Iraqi Forces during the Iraqi‐Iranian War, procedures, and military‐type discussions to reinforce their forces there and matters of providing ammunitions and tanks. 
  • Pages 30‐56 include a conversation about the position and failures of their aircrafts, especially helicopters. They mentioned the military policy of Stalin. They also talk about the military formation of divisions and brigades of the land forces. 
  • Pages 57‐80 proceed with the same conversation and mention Hitler and his military policy in addition to some historical events. 
  • Pages 81‐92 include comments from the meeting's attendants on field events and positive sides utilized during this war and the spirit of fighters in the battlefield.
  • Pages 93‐123 include an enthusiastic conversation with Saddam Hussein about the achievements made by the Iraqi fighters. In addition, there is communication between army units and some additional suggestions.
  • Pages 124‐146 continue the same above discussion and conclude the results. They also discuss other relevant subjects such as the injuries and casualties of the enemy.

June 27, 1985

Experimental chemical attack on June 27, 1985

The file contains correspondence from the Iraqi Army Chief of Staff in 1985 about the experimental chemical attack on Iraqi soldiers and the impact on them.

March 1987

1987 Presidential Orders (Saddam Hussein): use of chemicals in the "Balisan Basin"

This file contains 1987 Presidential Orders by Saddam Hussein, IIS (M1 and M5) and the Military to use chemical weapons against Iranian rebels and the Northern region villages who operated in the "Balisan Basin." It is recommended to use 1/3 Mustard supply and 2/3 of Ricin supply (Pages 23 and 25) using mortars, artillery and helicopters. Document contains correspondence within the GMID and the secretary of the president about a strike plan against the pro Iranians and Khomeini Guards near the Iraqi-Turkish-Iranian border in Northern Iraq, using chemical weapons. The study indicates a recommendation by the GMID to the secretary and the Army Staff Presidency to conduct a surprise strike around June 1987 using Sarin, Ricin, and Mustard gas in limited quantity.

May 1, 1991

Saddam Hussein and Military Officials Discussing the Condition of the Iraqi Army and Its Possible Enlargement

This audio file from a meeting dated 1 May 1991 between Saddam Hussein and the General Command of the Army regarding the enlargement of the Army, the political changes which affect the Army and its training. Saddam Hussein admired the forming of the Republican Guards groups, soldeirs who participated in Qadissyah Saddam (Iran-Iraq War). In addition, this file includes a discussion regarding the invasion of Kuwait and the low morale of Iraqi soldiers, the American request to cease-fire because of the Iraqi soldiers' brevity, the gradual erosion of Iraqi morale on the front, and the increase of Divisions' numbers within the Army. Major General Sultan discussed the use of high-technology weapons by the American forces in the First Gulf War.

March 29, 2003

Speech made by Saddam Hussein containing instructions for the Iraqi Army to attack the enemy

Contains correspondence between the Army Staff, Military movements Directorate and leadership of military units regarding a speech by Saddam Hussein.

October 28, 2020

Interview with Donald Sinclair

Donald Sinclair is a former Canadian diplomat. He served as a member of the Canadian delegation to ACRS. 

October 2, 2020

Interview with Daniel Poneman

Daniel Poneman was director of Defense Policy and Arms Control at the National Security Council. He served as a member of the US delegation to ACRS.
