Eastern Europe
(372) documents
East Asia
North America
1917- 1979
1912- 1994
1898- 1976
March 16, 1950
Writing from Lhasa, Hugh Richardson summarizes recent developments in Tibet's relations with India, China, the US, and the UK.
December 27, 1962
Discussion of Sino-Mongolian economic relations (in particular, the Chinese workers' problem), and the Sino-Soviet disagreements, in particular concerning the Albanian question.
December 26, 1962
Discussion of Sino-Mongolian economic relations and the Sino-Indian border war.
December 25, 1962
General discussion of Sino-Mongolian relations and cultural ties.
February 11, 1989
September 29, 1952
Mao and Tsedenbal discuss Mongolia's history and present day relations with China.
March 28, 1984
Gromyko analyzes the Reagan administration and the increase in international tensions as a result of US "activism." He also discusses the role of Japan as a self-identified NATO and G7 member, a cause for alarm, he concludes.
December 21, 1960
Puzanov informs Tsehvehlmaagiyn Dash of the Agreement for Soviet Economic and Technical Aid to the Mongolian People's Republic in the development of the economy and a Long-term Trade Agreement.
February 1989
November 20, 1986
Kim Il Sung and Jambyn Batmunkh discuss North Korea and Mongolia's relationships with China and the Soviet Union, among other issues.