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February 14, 1958

Comments of N.S. Khrushchev about the Letter of Mr. Joseph

Nikita Khrushchev comments on the alliance between the United States and NATO and the growing number of nuclear weapons in Western Europe, specifically Great Britain. The document also discusses US aircraft flights over the Soviet Union and the Algerian War of Independence.

October 31, 1987

MAE Cable on INF Treaty Phasing Problem

Report on NATO Washington meeting on INF negotiations. The report addresses the US position concerning phasing, the issues raised by the other delegations as well as problems related to burden sharing.

December 8, 1987

MAE cable on intended use of Euromissile Bases

Note by ambassador to NATO Fulci on US request for secrecy concerning the intended use of euromissile bases after INF (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces) Treaty. 

August 7, 1965

MD Note on US and UK positions on MLF

Note on MLF project elaborated by Paris standing group. It focuses on US project, British point of view, objectives of te ANF proposal, issues with the MLF and national ways to the nuclear deterrent.

December 8, 1964

US Comments on the UK Proposal of a Project for an Atlantic Nuclear Force

General comments relating to the establishment of an Atlantic nuclear force, objectives that any new arrangement of NATO nuclear forces must meet, specific comments on the UK's proposal, characteristics of the force, components, contribution of the United States Forces, non-dissemination of
nuclear weapons, command and voting arrangements, review provisions.

October 1, 1964

MAE cable on Von Hassel Declaration

Correction by FRG minister of Defense Von Hassel and discussion of US position concerning veto rights of MLF members.

January 1, 1964

MAE Cable to Embassy in Washington on Atlantic Nuclear Force

Cable by MAE Secretary General A. Cattani on US document circulated in parallel with british proposal for an Atlantic Nuclear Force.

June 14, 1961

Report by Permanent Representative to NATO Alessandrini to Minister of Foreign Affairs Segni

Alessandrini writes regarding the Minister Of Foreign Affairs speech on the problems of NATO's military, including its nuclear strategy. Despite the assurances of the United States, Europeans fear of having to fight conventional Soviet forces.

December 21, 1960

Report by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Segni to the Minister of Defense, Paris meeting of the Atlantic Council

This report describes the development and outcomes of discussions at the Atlantic Council, Paris meeting. Topics: contrasts between two different tendencies : extensive vision of NATO power (supported by Italy, Germany, Canada and others) and the restrictive vision of NATO (sponsored by USA, France and UK); colonies; economic development; increasing Soviet threat.