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May 1976

Federal Ministry for Research and Technology, 'Cabinet Submission: RE: Draft of an Agreement between the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology and the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran on Cooperation Regarding the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy'

The cabinet approved of the continuation of collaboration. The United States was discussed with to provide advice on how to move forward. Talks between the US and Iran about this are currently concluding. Deliveries of fuel assemblies are also discussed. 

July 1, 1975

Cable from Ambassador Dr. Wieck, FRG Embassy Tehran, 'Cooperation of the Federal Republic of Germany with Iran in the Area of Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy'

Haunschild and Wieck meet with Dr. Etemad. First Haunschild discusses cooperation with Brazil on peaceful uses of nuclear energy as well as other international partners. There is agreement on future plans for a IAEO Conference in Vienna in September. The continuation of all current projects, collaboration for education and research projects, and sending experts in research. 

November 20, 1970

Letter from Director of the Bureau of International Scientific and Technological Affairs Herman Pollack to Miller N. Hudson, Jr. at the US Embassy in Rio De Janeiro

Miller thanks Pollank for his letter (attached) with historical background on Brazil's interest in developing nuclear weapons.

May 16, 1968

Telegram from the Consul of the US in Sao Paulo to the Department of State, 'Brazilian Centrifuge Program'

Information about the classified Brazilian centrifuge program.

March 23, 1968

Airgram from the Embassy of the US in Rio De Janeiro to the Department of State, 'Assessment of Brazilian Nuclear Device Capability'

The US Embassy in Rio De Janeiro sends airgram to the Department of State with a technical and political assessment of Brazil's nuclear capacity.

March 17, 1967

Research Memorandum RAR-8 from George C. Denney, Jr., to the Secretary, 'The Latin American Nuclear Free Zone: Pluses and Minuses'

The treaty creating the Latin American Nuclear Free Zone (LANFZ) was signed at Tlatelolco, Mexico, on 14 February 1967. Taking a close look at key provisions, INR found that the entry into force provisions included loopholes which “unenthusiastic” states could use so the treaty did not cover their territory.

October 6, 1967

Telegram from the Indian Ambassador to Brazil, 'Nuclear Cooperation Between India and Brazil'

Brazil has entered cooperative agreements with many countries and is would like to work with India as well.

June 25, 1977

Ministry of External Affairs, (AMS Division), 'The Nuclear Issue in Latin America'

Nuclear proliferation in Latin America.

November 27, 1981

Telegram No.: MEX/104/1/81, Secretary Haig’s Visit to Mexico (November 23-24)

The US ratified additional protocol I to the Treaty of Tlateloco for the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons in Latin America.

September 7, 1977

Letter from US Congressman Paul Findley to Brazilian Vice-President Adalberto Pereira dos Santos

Findley proposes a system of mutual inspection of nuclear facilities between Argentina and Brazil. According to the agreement he proposed, Brazil and Argentina would renounce the intention to develop a nuclear device and would accept mutual inspections of their respective nuclear facilities.
