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October 1995

Saddam Hussein meeting with various advisers

This file contains the following discussion regarding the Republican Guard. Saddam calls for the strengthening of the thinking and culture of the members of the Guard. They discuss the effects of the sanctions and the US military presence in the Gulf, along with the crisis of March 1995.

Date unknown

Saddam Meeting Military Officials, acknowledging awards for valor and discussing lessons learned from the Persian Gulf War

This file includes a transcript of Saddam Hussein honoring high-ranking officers for their valor in the First Gulf War and the Iran-Iraq War.

February 29, 1992

Saddam's Meetings with Military Commanders on 29 February 1992

This Audio file contains the following: A meeting between Saddam Hussein and his military commanders. Saddam says that he did not expect the post-Gulf War uprising in the South, but that he did expect to be attacked by the United States. They discuss the power of the tribes and their ties to the government, internal security issues, and emergency plans in case of another uprising.

July 1990

Text of a Conversation Recorded for Saudi King Fahad and the Egyptian President Husni Mubarak

Contains text of a recorded conversation between Fahad and Mubarak discussing Iraq-Kuwait relations and possibly arranging a meeting between each country's president.

August 2, 1992

A dispatch by Saddam Hussein discussing the effects of sanctions after the Mother of All Battles.

This file contains script of the hearing held by Saddam meeting with ministers of the cabinet, to discuss both the economic and social issues during the sanctions of 2 Aug 1992. In this dispatch, Saddam Hussein concentrated on the embargo and its socio-economic consequences, and proposed remedies/ways forward for them.

August 12, 1990

Drafts for various speeches by Saddam Hussein in 1990

File contains pages 29-56 of original 70 page document. The pages in this file contain details about the telephone calls and meetings held between Saddam Hussein and Egyptian President Muhammad Husny Mubarak regarding Hussein's invasion of Kuwait.

October 1990

Meeting between Saddam Hussein and the Soviet Delegation

Soviet officials meet with Saddam Hussein to discuss the Persian Gulf conflict in the Fall of 1990.

August 12, 1990

Saddam Hussein speech about the Gulf War and his attack on Kuwait in 1990

Official speech in connection with his attack on Kuwait, including information on political issues that emerged from the Gulf War. The speech contains Saddam's accusation of American betrayal and being biased towards Israel politically, including his suggestions for the withdrawal of Iraqi forces from Kuwait, which was requested by the international community. The speech also includes information on the relationship between the Arab countries and the coalition forces.

Date unknown

Saddam Hussein Meeting with Iraqi Ministers regarding the Advantages of Invading Kuwait

This undated 63‐minute audio file highlights a meeting between Saddam Hussein and the Iraqi Cabinet discussing the relations between Saddam and Kuwait. Saddam Hussein asked the ministers to give their views on the process of merging Kuwait with Iraq. The ministers in turn gave their opinions and encouraged Saddam on his courageous step, namely invading Kuwait. They also mentioned information about the Kuwaiti people and their conditions and that Kuwait was a part of Iraq.


Saddam and Senior Military Officials discussing various Military Operations including Re‐capturing the al‐Fao Peninsula

The following undated audio tape details a meeting between Saddam Hussein and High‐ranking officers. 00‐54 minutes contain the following subjects: Saddam spoke regarding Iraq's past difficult situations, the Iraq‐Iran war, and the Iraqi use of helicopters. The transfer of Lieutenant General Hamid, who was in the Air force and now in the General Command. An unknown officer reported to Saddam the army's status in the battlefield (Translator Comment: Probably Iran‐Iraq War). " Saddam asked a person called Ahmad about his opinion regarding Al‐Faw and Ahmad reported to Saddam what happened there. " Lieutenant General Nizar spoke about the Liberation War, Tawklna 'Ala Allah war, and the Iranian Army. " Concerns from the Iraqi Army and the Military Intelligence to conceal plans and intentions from the United States.   Discussions on Saddam's orders regarding retaking the Al‐Faw.
