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September 12, 1996

The Chancellor's [Helmut Kohl's] Telephone Conversation with Polish President Kwasniewski on Thursday, 12 September 1996, 9.30 hours

Kohl and Kwasniewski exchange thoughts on the state of Yeltsin's health. They agree that NATO must not pursue further steps in the enlargement process during the period of Yeltsin's illness after his  coronary bypass surgery. Finally, Kohl and Kwasniewski look into the timetable for NATO enlargement and the decision about its new members at the July 1997 NATO summit in Madrid.

January 10, 1996

The Chancellor's [Helmut Kohl's] Meeting with the President of the Polish Republic, Mister Alexander Kwasniewski on 9 January 1996 at the Chancellor’s Office

Kohl refers to the Franco-German relationship as a role model for Germany’s relationship with Poland. Kwasniewski looks into Poland's domestic reform agenda stressing the importance of further expanding Poland's ties with NATO and the EC.

March 31, 1995

The Chancellor's [Helmut Kohl's] Meeting with Polish President Walesa in Copenhagen on 11 March 1995

Kohl and Walesa examine the state of NATO enlargement and EC enlargement. Walesa sees EC enlargment first and foremost as an economic process that would take longer. The decision for NATO enlargement could be taken faster, Walesa argues. Kohl reiterates the necessity of a "face-saving" solution for Russia short of giving Russia a veto over NATO enlargement.

April 29, 1993

Memorandum for Marc Grossman from William H. Itoh, 'Presidential Memcons with Presidents Walesa, Iliescu, and Zhelev'

Clinton and Walesa discuss U.S.-Polish relations and steps their countries could take to coordinate policy vis-a-vis Russia. (Clinton's memcons with Iliescu and Zhelev were withheld during declassification in September 2019.)

July 24, 1997

Memorandum for Glyn T. Davies from Alexander Vershbow, 'Memorandum of Conversation between the President and President Herzog of Germany'

Clinton and Herzog discuss NATO expansion and U.S. relations with Romania, Ukraine, and other states in Europe. Herzog cautions against Romania immediately joining NATO.

March 4, 2008

Jaroslaw Bratkiewicz, Polish Foreign Minsitry, 'Main arguments regarding the policy of the Republic of Poland towards Russia and Ukraine'

A 2008 Polish Foreign Ministry paper advocating closer relations with Russia and Ukraine.