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December 5, 1961

Report from Seán Ronan to Con Cremin (Dublin), ‘Irish Resolution on Preventing the Spread of Nuclear Weapons’ (Confidential), New York [Excerpt]

Aiken drafted in additional personnel to the Irish Mission to the UN in the run-in to the XVIth UN Session. Seán Ronan, the head of the political and information divisions at headquarters in Dublin, was sent as a delegate to the First Committee of the UN, involving him intensely in Aiken’s non-dissemination efforts. His insider account reveals some of the dynamics and calculations at play in the building, as Ireland managed a balancing act of engineering consensus between East and West. In large part, the Irish Mission crafted the resolution’s language to skirt the issue of alliance nuclear sharing in a bid to manufacture unanimity. The Irish had pondered co-sponsoring a Swedish draft resolution but anticipated that it would face resistance from NATO comparable to earlier iterations of the Irish resolution. Similarly, Ireland neglected to mention a proposed new disarmament committee in the draft resolution – there was no guarantee that it would form and report expeditiously. Finally, by drawing on the instrument of acclamation, the Irish sidestepped French objections and gained universal approval for Resolution 1665 (1961), wrapping the resolution in universal legitimacy. 

May 9, 1959

Code Message No. 4513 from J. Winiewicz to the Chiefs of All Diplomatic Posts

Deputy Minister Winiewicz instructs chiefs of all diplomatic posts on how to respond to questions about the Rapacki Plan. He confirms that they will uphold the Rapacki Plan, but the topics of the Geneva conference should be limited in scope and focused on a peace treaty with Germany.

March 3, 1959

Code Message No. 2598 from Ambassador Dorsz in Ankara to Rodziński

Code message from Ambassador Dorosz to Rodziński regarding the Foreign Minister of Turkey's first official statement on the Rapacki Plan. Dorosz notes Turkey's lack of interest in the Plan thus far.

January 20, 1959

Code Message No. 803 from Ambassador Milnikiel in London to Winiewicz

Milnikiel writes to Winiewicz regarding a conversation between Milnikiel and British Deputy foreign secretary O’Neill. O'Neill does not think the Rapacki Plan should currently be brought up in light of the broader proposals on Germany.

January 7, 1959

Code Message No. 234 from Ambassador Szymanowski in Stockholm to Birecki

The ambassador in Sweden recounts his conversation with Astrom, director of the political department of the Swedish MoFA. Astrom mentions his desire to prevent the Plan from becoming overwhelmed amidst the Germany debate, along with his desire that negotiations do not take place with the Soviets.

November 27, 1958

Code Message No. 15023 from Ambassador Szymanowski in Stockholm to Birecki

The ambassador in Sweden reports on a conversation with Unden, the Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs. Sweden has some interest in the Plan in its new form, but not directly. Unden is worried about the FRG posing as an obstacle to the Plan.

November 8, 1958

Code Message No. 11789 from Foreign Minister Rapacki to Naszkowski (Moscow)

Rapacki reports various reactions from the West to the new version of the Rapacki Plan.

October 30, 1958

Correspondence Digest No. 13691 from New York to Comrade Rapacki

Deputy minister Winiewicz speaks with British Parliament member Longden about the need for more support for the Rapacki Plan among conservatives, as well as whether any progress on the matter can be achieved at the UN.

October 20, 1958

Code Message No. 11027 from Foreign Minister Rapacki to Milnikiel (London)

Message from Rapacki to the ambassador in London which lays out the new two-stage proposal for the Rapacki Plan. Rapacki also requests that5 Milnikiel meet with leaders of the Labor Party to gather their opinions on the Plan.

October 11, 1958

File Note of Department IV Director Łobodycz

Polish Department IV director reports on the opinion of Pitterman, the deputy chancellor of Austria, on the Rapacki Plan. Pittermann recognizes the moral significance of the plan, but finds Hungary's inclusion to be paramount.
