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June 27, 1961

Record of Conversation between N.S. Khrushchev and Prime Minister Pham Van Dong of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam

Pham Van Dong thanks Khrushchev for the Soviet help to Vietnamese people. Khrushchev talks about politics around the world, particularly, in the socialist countries such as Albania and China. He claims that the relationship with China is improving. Khrushchev also mentions that he discussed Indian politics with Mao. He criticizes the politics of Stalin toward China. 

November 24, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Romania, 'Summary Report on Romania’s Reaction to the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union'

The Chinese Embassy in Bucharest reports on Romania's views of de-Stalinization, Albania, and China.

August 19, 1965

Radio Liberty Policy Position Statement: The Soviet Leadership

Radio Liberty outlines how they will respond to Soviet leadership's "scientific approach", stating they seek to provide listeners with alternative perspectives.

September 13, 1958

A Brief Record of Conversation between N.S. Khrushchev and Prof. K. Yasui

Yasui and Khrushchev talk about the nuclear test ban, the situation in Taiwan, the recognition of the People's Republic of China around the world, and the next 11th Communist Party Congress. 

January 4, 1972

Information # 2 / 72 for the Members and Candidates of the Politburo of the Central Committee, 'Information about the So-Called Disputed Territories at the Soviet-Chinese Border'

A report, produced by the CPSU and shared with the East German SED, on the Sino-Soviet border conflict. The CPSU analyzes China's position on the disputed territories in their shared border, and how the Soviet Union ought to respond.

February 9, 1959

Record of a Conversation between N. S. Khrushchev and the Ambassador of India in the USSR K.P.S. Menon

Menon and Khrushchev talk about the measures taken to fight epidemics and develop the pharmaceutical industry in India. Khrushchev tells Menon about the activity of anti-party groups in the Soviet Union and Bulganin's arrogance.

July 20, 1957

Record of a Conversation between N. S. Khrushchev and Ali Sastroamidjojo

Khrushchev explains the recent changes in the Soviet government to PM Sastroamidjojo, namely the expulsion of Molotov, Kaganovich, Malenkov, and Shepilov from their positions. This occurred as punishment for their 1957 coup attempt against Khrushchev, but he cites ideological difference in this conversation.

October 20, 1973

Leonid Brezhnev's Daily Schedule, 20-29 October 1973

September 20, 1968

Yu. Andropov to the CPSU CC

This memorandum from KGB Chairman Andropov to the CPSU Politburo follows up on the initial report from Andropov, Shchelokov, and Malyarov. The document highlights the “malevolent views” of the group that held an unauthorized demonstration in Red Square on 25 August 1968, singling out Pavel Litvinov, Larisa Bogoraz, Viktor Fainberg, and Vadim Delaunay for particular opprobrium. Andropov stresses that the KGB will intensify its crackdown on opposition figures who try to “spread defamatory information about Soviet reality.”

September 5, 1968

Yurii Andropov, Nikolai Shchelokov, and Mikhail Malyarov to the CPSU CC

This memorandum, signed by Yurii Andropov, the chairman of the Soviet Committee of State Security (KGB); Nikolai Shchelokov, the Minister of Public Order (whose ministry was renamed the Ministry of Internal Affairs in late November 1968); and Mikhail Molyarov, the Procurator of the USSR, was sent to the ruling Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) eleven days after the demonstration in Red Square against the Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia. The document lays out the basic facts of the case as viewed by the KGB and the CPSU. The document mentions the names of the eight activists who were in Red Square as well as two who helped with planning but were not actually in Red Square, Inna Korkhova and Maiya Rusakovskaya. Natal’ya Gorbanevskaya, one of the eight, was detained but released because she had recently given birth. However, a year later she was arrested in connection with her involvement and sentenced to a harsh term in a psychiatric prison.
