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September 21, 1946

Cable from Tehran Nº 31343/31353

In a cable to the Soviet leadership, Soviet Ambassador to Iran Ivan Sadchikov reports that the Iranian government is requesting bombers and tanks to put down a Qashqai revolt near Shiraz. Sadchikov notes that the Iranian army remains concentrated at the border with Azerbaijan and already possesses bombers and tanks that it has employed against Azerbaijanis. He asks for instructions on how to reply should a formal request be made.

March 4, 1946

Letter, I. V. Stalin to Qavam os-Saltaneh

Stalin thanks Iranian Prime Minister Qavam os-Saltaneh and Shahanshah of Iran Muhamed Reza Pahlavi for their congratulations on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the Red Army.

December 29, 1949

Report of Cde. Peng Dehuai about the Situation in Xinjiang

Peng reports on the situation in Xinjiang following the takeover of Xinjiang by the People's Liberation Army.

October 12, 1950

Ciphered Telegram No. 25553, Roshchin to Filippov [Stalin]

Mao Zedong has already given orders to halt Chinese troops preparing to cross the Korean border.

October 11, 1945

TASS Digest Distributed to Cde. I.V. Stalin and Cde. C.M. Molotov, 'French Newspaper concerning Rumors in Connection with Comrade Stalin's Going on Vacation; etc.'

French newspaper "Pari-Press" reported on rumors of Stalin's departure for the Caucuses on vacation, and claimed this confirmed rumors Stalin was ill; Newspaper "Chicago Tribune" similarly reported rumors of Stalin's retirement and a resulting 'behind-the-scenes battle for power' between Zhukov, backed by the army, and Molotov, backed by the Communist Party.

September 2, 1938

A Conversation Between Cdes. Stalin, Molotov, and Voroshilov and the Governor Shicai Sheng which Occurred in the Kremlin on 2 September 1938

Stalin, Molotov, Voroshilov, and Governor Sheng discuss Xinjiang's military, level of industrialization, and natural resources, as well as Governor Sheng's strong desire to join the Communist Party.

November 10, 1937

Letter from Governor Sheng Shicai to Cde. V. M. Molotov

Sheng Shicai expresses gratitude to Cde. V. M. Molotov for Soviet assistance with eliminating the 36th Division of the NRA from the South of Xinjiang and combating a Trotskyist plot in Xinjiang. He requests Molotov's assistance with "implementing the policy of the six principles" in Xinjiang and turning it into a model province.

June 9, 1940

Concerning Funding for the Red Army

The Soviet Politburo directs the NKO to approve over 9 million rubles in hard currency expenses for the 5th Directorate of the Red Army for 1940.

January 11, 1939

Concerning the Work of the NKVD Special Departments

The Politburo describes the work of the NKVD Special Departments, which are charged with fighting counterrevolution, espionage, and other anti-Soviet activity in the Red Army, Navy, and NKVD. To accomplish these tasks, the Special Departments organize an apparatus of informers and conduct searches and seizures.

January 10, 1939

Concerning Soviet Troops in Xinjiang

The Politburo transfers Soviet military units deployed in Xinjiang and supervision of the Xinjiang army to the control of the People's Commissariat of Defense.
