Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Southeast Asia
East Asia
1898- 1976
1890- 1969
1910- 1985
1910- 1979
1892- 1980
1894- 1971
August 23, 1957
Ho Chi Minh reports on his trip to Europe, explains his impressions of various leaders in the Socialist bloc, and discusses Tito's politics in Yugoslavia with Khrushchev. They also discuss economic development and the Geneva Accords.
July 17, 1957
The leaders talk about the Geneva Accords and General Vo Nguyen Giap's travels. Ho Chi Minh asks Khrushchev about Soviet economic and political support to North Vietnam, as well as Soviet relations with other socialist countries. Ho Chi Minh takes personal culpability for a bureaucratic issue which caused the imprisonment and deaths of party members.
February 19, 1959
Zhou Enlai and Le Thanh Nghi review Chinese economic aid to North Vietnam.
January 31, 1961
A brief conversation concerning a North Vietnamese request for Chinese assistance with an aerial survey. Zhou and Nguyen Duy Trinh also discuss Chinese and Polish economic aid to the DRV.
August 12, 1965
Zhou Enlai and Trần Văn Thanh discuss the war in South Vietnam, Singapore's departure from the Federation of Malaya, and prospects for the Second Asian-African Conference.
July 1, 1964
Zhou Enlai and Nguyen Con discuss economic conditions in North Vietnam and China, as well as Chinese economic aid to the DRV.
February 18, 1959
Zhou and Le Than Nghi review the economic situation in the DRV and Chinese economic assistance aid.
Discussion on the Vietnamese agriculture and industrial development. Zhou spoke about Chinese experience on developing socialism during the Great Leap Forward.
December 5, 1960
Zhou and Nguyen Duy Trinh exchanged views regarding agricultural and industrial development. Zhou made comments on Vietnam's first five-year plan.
September 23, 1955
In this telegram, V. Zorin discusses Chinese economic relations with the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. China has sent instructions to recall economic and political advisors from the DRV, but the Soviet Ambassador to the DRV has determined that economic assistance is still needed.