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August 1961

Record of Conversations between Cde. N. S. Khrushchev, First Secretary of the CPSU CC, and Ho Chi Minh, Chairman of the CC of the VWP

The two leaders discuss global imperialism, nuclear disarmament, and peace talks with the GDR. Khrushchev brings up the strained relations between of the Soviet Union with Albania and China. Albanian leaders appear to take a strong position against the USSR and in favor of China and even Western nations such as Italy and France. The two leaders also go over the situation in Laos and South Vietnam. 

July 3, 1961

Record of Conversation between N.S. Khrushchev and Pham Van Dong

Pham informs Khrushchev of the various independence movements in Asia, such as the politics of Laos, and in Vietnam. He then debriefs Khrushchev about the relations between Vietnamese intelligentsia and the Communist Party. With regards to Communists in China, the two parties discuss the failure of the communes project. 

August 23, 1957

Record of a Conversation between N.S. Khrushchev with DRV President Ho Chi Minh in Crimea

Ho Chi Minh reports on his trip to Europe, explains his impressions of various leaders in the Socialist bloc, and discusses Tito's politics in Yugoslavia with Khrushchev. They also discuss economic development and the Geneva Accords.

July 17, 1957

Record of a Conversation between N.S. Khrushchev and Ho Chi Minh, President of the DRV, at 1100 17 July 1957

The leaders talk about the Geneva Accords and General Vo Nguyen Giap's travels. Ho Chi Minh asks Khrushchev about Soviet economic and political support to North Vietnam, as well as Soviet relations with other socialist countries. Ho Chi Minh takes personal culpability for a bureaucratic issue which caused the imprisonment and deaths of party members.

October 21, 1954

Talking Points from Premier Zhou Enlai’s Third Meeting with Nehru

Zhou Enlai and Nehru discuss Sino-Indian relations, as well as China and India's views toward Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, Vietnam, and Ceylon (Sri Lanka).

May 19, 1955

Molotov to CC CPSU on United States and French Relations in South Vietnam

V. Molotov reports to CC CPSU on American undermining of France in Vietnam. He believes that the situation should be used to promote unification and that American policies are not properly exposed.

May 18, 1955

Draft Telegram to Hanoi Soviet Ambassador on Instructions for Meeting with Ho Chi Minh

Telegram to the Soviet Ambassador in Hanoi with instructions to meet with Ho Chi Minh about discussion between Yudin and Bibrovski. The Ambassador is to discuss the situation in South Vietnam and to ask if assistance is required.

May 25, 1956

Telegram on Record of April 1956 Conversation with Nguen Zui Chin

Record of Nguen Zui Chin's discussion with USSR Ambassador M. V. Zimyanin and Sokolov about the meeting of the IXth CC PTV Plenum, whose goal was to review resolutions of the USSR XXth CPSU Congress. The Plenum discussed a range of topics including American involvement in South Vietnam, the cult of personality and propaganda, foreign policy, the sixth five-year plan of the USSR, economic and cultural development, strengthening the Party, peoples' assemblies, and Party leadership. Chin also detailed streamlining party organizations.

April 14, 1958

Record of Conversation with DRV Ministry of State Security Official Tkhum

Tkhum informed Kadymov that the Ministry of State Security held deliberations where the question of Vietnamese unification sparked a debate on whether or not the country could be reunited through peaceful means. Many Southerners employed at Democratic Republic of Vietnam agencies believe that only armed means will achieve results.

August 1, 1957

CDS Report No. 50 from Choi Duk Shin to the President (Syngman Rhee)

Choi Duk Shin outlines his discussions with dignitaries on the topics of Vietnamese military training and Japanese economic relations, discusses recent Vietnamese affairs, and reports on the Cambodia and Laos crises.
