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PRC State Council Gazettes

The Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China (Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo guowuyuan gongbao; 中华人民共和国国务院公报) is a compendium of press releases and administrative decisions relating to Chinese foreign relations and domestic developments.


The documents come mostly from the 1950s, and from Russian archives.

Topics discussed include Stalin's economic opinions and his views on the situation in East Germany. The final items discuss Stalin's death and the fate of some of his ministers.

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Popular Documents

November 10, 1956

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1956, No. 40 (Overall Issue No. 66)

This issue begins by denouncing British and French aggression against Egypt during the Suez Canal Crisis. It also includes a Chinese statement about the Soviet Declaration "to Strengthen Friendship and Cooperation [with] Other Socialist States," which acknowledges tensions between socialist countries and the need to address people's demands in Hungary and Poland. The next sections feature a message from Zhou Enlai to János Kádár, who would lead Hungary after the failed Revolution of 1956, and Sino-Nepali correspondence.

April 21, 1955

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1955, No. 5 (Overall Issue No. 8)

This issue begins with an announcement from Mao Zedong to end the state of war between China and Germany. It then features several reports about the Bandung Asian-African Conference in Indonesia, including a statement about the bomb explosion that sought to target Zhou Enlai on the way there. Other sections cover topics such as Sino-Indian relations, the creation of a Third Ministry of Machine Building to oversee developments in aviation, and the establishment of ethnic autonomous areas.

January 28, 1957

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1957, No. 4 (Overall Issue No. 77)

This issue features content on China's relations with the Soviet Union, Hungary, Afghanistan, and Hong Kong. It also has sections on tax relief and loan assistance for poor production teams and military, prevention and treatment of Kashin-Beck Disease, the collection of revolutionary history archives, regulations on production, business, infrastructure, and Soviet activities, and village transfer and reassignment.

May 10, 1955

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1955, No. 6 (Overall Issue No. 9)

This issue first covers several speeches that Zhou Enlai delivered at the Bandung Asian-African Conference. It also features statements about the issue of dual Chinese and Indonesian nationality, including a joint announcement from the prime minister and premier of both countries. The domestic topics include flood control, grain conservation, and vacation time for female employees in state agencies.

May 25, 1955

Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, 1955, No. 7 (Overall Issue No. 10)

This issue features another report on the Bandung Conference and discusses the British-Hong Kong takeover of Chinese aviation property. Other sections discuss the transfer of rural land and deed taxes, coal mining, and healthcare.