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A Few Questions about the Details of the Worker's Party of Korea

A detailed description of the economic progress of North Korea from before the war to after the war, the successes of the first five year plan including the growth statistics in areas such as electric power, coal, steel, cement, and fertilizer. The inner politics of the party is discussed, mentioning the growth of the party since the war, the demographic of the party (workers, peasants, white collar workers, and an ‘other’ section). Statistics of growth throughout the years with a section on non-card carrying members and what prevents them from being members. There is a section discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the union of the country and a promise of a better life given to the citizens living in the American-occupied south. The question section at the end that invokes elaboration on many of these topics.

Document Information


RGANI Fon 1, Opis 3, Delo 3, Listi 72-79.


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