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May 22, 1948

Soviet Military Order from Foreign Operations Section Chief to Commander of East-Asian Operational Section Managarov

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

MVC No. 4784, May 22, 1948, Moscow.


To:  Commander East-Asian Operational Section, General Lieut. Managarov, Harbin.


In accordance with the order of the Minister of the Armed Forces of the USSR, this is to inform you that in view of the progressive success of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, we are setting forth a new task and new objective.  It is clear that without the extensive material assistance of America, the resistance against those who fight for the real liberation of China would have already been compelled to cease long ago.  As you know, (KMT) Minister Chen Chi Tian, early last year, said that without American aid, "the situation (in China) might become favorable to the communists."  To us, the success of the Chinese reactionaries would greatly enhance the position of American imperialists in East Asia.  We cannot permit this under any circumstances and that is why the Soviet government, not many days ago, resolved to increase many times our assistance to the Chinese People's Liberation Movement.


In accordance with what has been mentioned above, you should immediately come into contact with the Headquarters of the Chief of Staff of the PLA and to ascertain, in the quickest possible way, their special needs at the present time.  From June 1st till the end of September, we will concentrate, along the railroad from Irkutsk to the border line of Manchouli, considerable army stocks, clothes, and petrols, for the PLA.  Light and heavy tanks, motorized artilleries of various calibre, and aviation equipments for the Chinese crew who were sent to us for training will also be dispatched.


Major General Pokrovin has been appointed to administer these supplies and he is to be subordinate to you.  Once you have received a written list of the special needs of the Chinese PLA from the Headquarters of the Chief of Staffs, you may immediately satisfy their needs. Furthermore, in Irkutsk at the present time, an Auxiliary Staff is being formed consisting of high ranking officers from our army who gained great military experience at the time of the war for the Fatherland.  Having been formed, the Auxiliary Staff will be sent immediately to the Headquarters of the Chief of Staff of the Chinese PLA.  All the Soviet officers belonging to said staff will be under the disposal of Lieut. General Fedenko who has been appointed head of the Soviet


Auxiliary Staff.


The Chief of Staffs of the Soviet Army has elaborated a detailed plan for military operations against Chinese reactionaries who have sold themselves to American capitalists. The above-mentioned Auxiliary Staff will have the task of carrying out the Soviet plan with the commanding chief of the Chinese democratic forces. Over this coming summer, several decisive blows should be dealt to the opposition so as to compel [them] if not to capitulate, to be so weakened that they can no longer continue any severe resistance in spite of American aid.


The report of yours during your trip in the regions of Shaanxi, Shandong, Henan, Hubei, and your conversations with Lin Po Chou, Yung Hsiu Feng, Lin Feng, and Li Yu were discussed in the Politburo on Saturday last, May 17th.


The Politburo passed the following resolutions:


1.  It is necessary to develop more widely political propaganda in regions already liberated. However, propaganda is not enough, it is necessary to prove to the people that the arriving of the Liberation army will bring them real freedom on the basis of democratic principles.  It is necessary to immediately give to the Chinese people the feeling that after thousands of years of unscrupulous exploitation and slavery, a new era has come to them and their destiny is now at last in their own hands.


2.  It is necessary, in the first place, to liquidate all kulak elements, who actively support the opposition or who cling to the old ways and oppose changes of the Chinese life.


3.  After the liberation of each place, immediately reorganize all administrative organizations and conduct elections to self-government organs.  Watch carefully and secretly that only progressive elements are to be filled in there and not the opportunists or those in disguise who are actually in opposition to the communist idea.


4.  Strictly and ruthlessly forbid local authorities from treating the people with the least injustice. Those guilty of such offenses should be put to trial by a court elected from the people.


5.  Improve the on-going campaign for the abolition of illiteracy.


6.  Adopt the necessary energetic measures for improving the people's sanitary conditions.  Pay special attention to the immediate liquidation of the spreading epidemics, typhus, cholera, plague, etc.


7.  Accelerate economic life in liberated regions.


8.  Accelerate land reform.


At the end of June, the Politburo will send to the liberated areas a Political Instruction Group.  I do not know yet the exact number of persons in it, but according to the information I have already, it will consist of approximately 50 persons (among whom 32 Chinese who are citizens of the Soviet Union).  The Group will be under the direction of the civil authority of the liberated region and will be engaged energetically in carrying out the above-mentioned measures. In due course, you will receive the exact list of the members of the Group and on their arrival in Harbin, you should establish close contact with them.


The General Staff, in turn, proposes a number of wishes, the essence of which is summarized in the following:


1.  Carry out a reorganization of the Army as soon as possible. There will soon leave from here Chinese officers (24 persons) who completed the entire course of the War Academy and received corresponding political preparation in our country.


2. Raise the discipline and political consciousness among Chinese fighters and clean out [purge] all unwelcome elements.


3.  Improve military operation techniques based on the experience and principle of the Soviet Army.


4.  Liquidate the besieged resistance in Mukden (Shenyang).


5.  Advance henceforth only when and where a liberated territory is consolidated by us.


6.  Pay particular attention to the possible development of partisan activity in the enemy's rear.


In your relations with Chinese democratic authorities, either military or civil, you as well as your own subordinates should not forget that our assistance to them is unselfish and brotherly and that we absolutely do not intend to interfere with the internal affairs of the Chinese people.  If we consider it necessary now to help them with words and deeds, it is solely with the object of helping the young rulers and commanders with our rich experience.  When the young republic is strengthened, we will no longer give them advice and will be satisfied with their sincere friendship towards us.


Your propaganda organ should constantly emphasize the huge difference in action between the Soviet Union and the United States of America.  We are without self-interest, and do not, at any time, seek gain from the Chinese people, while American imperialism, in unison with American capitalism, assist the Kuomintang with the sole object of deriving from the assistance as much gain as possible.  The American intention is to enslave the country economically, to suck out all its raw materials and to make a market for the manufactured goods, "Made in America." To us, China is an old neighbor, with whom we wish to maintain friendly relations, but to the Americans, it is a base for advancing opposition to the Soviet Union.  Also inform the Chinese people, as much as possible, about American measures in Japan and about their intention to revive Japanese military and industrial power.


You will receive further instructions from our next courier. Major General Pokrovin will bring with him detailed instructions concerning armaments for the need of the Chinese PLA.  On receiving the list of armaments they need, present a copy to the Ministry.  Weapons and munitions should be distributed immediately on receiving the list.


Speed up the transmittal of the regular reports and bills of account.  Send Colonel Proskuren to Irkutsk under the direction of the staff.  He will be very useful there while you do not need him


With communistic greetings,


Foreign Operations Section.  Section Chief, General (Signature Illegible.)

Soviet military message ordering its recipient to ascertain the needs of the People's Liberation Army, so that the Soviet Union can meet them. The message also contains affirmations of Soviet support for the Communist forces in China, and promises of massive aid in the future.


Document Information


ROC-MFA 105.11/61.15.


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Military Order


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Leon Levy Foundation