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February 29, 1968

Report, Embassy of Hungary in North Korea to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

On his own initiative, on 8 February Comrade Romanian Ambassador Popa visited me in order to inform me about the visit of the Romanian party delegation headed by Comrade Apostol to Korea. […]

The Romanian party delegation arrived in Pyongyang at the invitation of the KWP. The Romanian delegation was headed by Comrade Apostol, while the Korean one was led by Comrade Kim Gwang-hyeop [Kim Kwang Hyop]. (Comrade Ambassador [Popa] did not mention which side had initiated the visit.)


The two sides agreed that relations between the two parties, governments, and peoples were progressing well. […] The two sides emphasized that they would make further efforts to improve their relations.


The two delegations informed each other about their achievements in the field of socialist construction. With regard to this issue, the Romanian side pointed out that every socialist country should apply the methods of socialist construction independently, in accordance with its own conditions. Firm action must be taken against servility, the mechanical imitation of the construction methods and experiences of other countries is unacceptable. The Romanian side informed the Korean delegation about the Romanian party conference held in December.

The Romanian side expounded its views about the nuclear nonproliferation treaty. Both sides are of the opinion that the big countries that have nuclear capacity should ensure that the small countries would also be able to utilize atomic energy for peaceful purposes. The small countries should not suffer a loss as a consequence of the treaty.


István Kádas

The Romanian Delegation is received in Pyongyang to discuss relations between the two countries.

Document Information


MOL, XIX-J-1-j Korea, 1968, 58. doboz, 2, 001872/1968. Obtained and translated for NKIDP by Balazs Szalontai


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