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June 7, 1954

Telegram, Zhou Enlai to Mao Zedong, Concerning Consultations among the Chinese, Soviet and Vietnamese Delegations

(Top Secret)

Chairman [Mao], Comrade [Liu] Shaoqi and the Central Committee:

(1) I hereby send for your examination the twelve terms on the united committee (the committee on military armistice), the supervision committee by neutral countries, and the question of international guarantee that had been decided upon by the three parties of the Soviet Union, China and Vietnam yesterday (see attached). It is planned that these terms will be raised by the delegation of the Soviet Union at the open session on the Indochina issue on the 8th. At the session on the 8th, I plan to make positive explanation of the six points concerning the basic principles in the military aspect that I put forward on 27 May, rebutting the mistaken points of the other side, and, in particular, criticizing the United States for blocking the progress of the conference. Pham Van Dong in his presentation plans to highlight the stand of our side on the political issue.


(2) The telegram of the CCP Central Committee and the reply of the Vietnamese Workers Party have been conveyed to the Soviet Party Central Committee by Comrade Molotov yesterday. The three parties of the Soviet Union, Vietnam, and China exchanged opinions on these two telegrams yesterday.

Zhou Enlai
7 June 1954

Zhou informs the CCP that he is sending the twelve terms on the Indochina armistice issue to be discussed on the 8th.


Document Information


PRC FMA 206-Y0050. Translated by Chen Zhihong.


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