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May 17, 1953

Memorandum from the Chairman of the Party Control Commission Shkiriatov to G.M. Malenkov about the Results of the Party Investigation of the Actions of the Former Minister of State Security of the USSR S.D. Ignatiev

The note from Glukhov and Smirnov stayed with Ignatiev S.D. from 2 April until 3 November 1952. After this time he passed it to Goglidze and told him that when the declarants [Glukhov and Smirnov] return from Korea he should tell them that they had not written notes on this question. Even after handing over the affair he did not say anything to anyone about it, and the note was discovered by L.P. Beria in the archival materials of the Ministry of State Security. A verification was conducted. In regard to this Ignatiev explained that he was under the impression of the published materials and did not attach any significance to the note. He did not believe in the authenticity of the information contained in it. He said that in July or in August 1952 he was called to Stalin on an official question and showed him this note. It is not possible to verify this. He must suffer political punishment.

Decision of the CPC of CC CPSU [Party Control Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union]:

For violation of state discipline and dishonest conduct to exclude Ignatiev S.D. from membership in the CPSU.


The results of the party investigation of the duplicitous actions of the former minister of State Security of the USSR S.D. Ignatiev in connection with the report of the former advisers to MOB and MVD DPRK, Cdes. Glukhov and Smirnov; calls for dismissal of Ignatiev from the CPSU.

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Archive of the President of the Russian Federation. Translated by Kathryn Weathersby.


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