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October 31, 1970

Telegram from the Central Committee of the Albanian Labor Party to the 5th Congress of the Korean Workers’ Party

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation






The Albanian Labor Party Central Committee, in the name of the Albanian communists and people, sends to the 5th Congress of the Korean Workers’ Party, and through it to all its members and the Korean people, the warmest greetings.

The Albanian people and our party are sincerely happy for the great victories and successes of the brotherly Korean people, who under the leadership of the Korean Workers’ Party, with Comrade Kim Il Sung at its helm, has turned the Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea into a socialist country with a developed and independent industry and agriculture, where the life quality and material well-being of the Korean people are always on the rise.  

We support without any reservations its resolute struggle in the defense of independence and the socialist system, for the reunification of the entire Korea, against the plots of the American imperialists, against its puppets in South Korea, against the Japanese militarism, as well as all the other imperialist and revisionist enemies, who openly or secretly cooperate to the detriment of the vital interests of the brotherly Korean people, of the great Peoples’ China, of all the peace loving people of South East Asia, who with weapons in their hands are heroically fighting the American imperialist aggression.

Wishing to your 5th Congress success in its proceedings, we take this opportunity to express our conviction that the militant friendship and the internationalist solidarity that exists between our two peoples and two parties will continue to consolidate further on the basis of the lessons of Marxism-Leninism, in the common struggle against the imperialism, with the American imperialists at its helm, against the modern revisionism, with the soviet revisionists at its helm, as the only just course for the preservation of the victories of socialism and for the triumph of communism.

Date October 31, 1970 THE ALBANIAN LABOR PARTY  





The Albanian Labor Party sends a greeting message to the 5th Congress of the Korean Workers’ Party and expresses its support for North Korea’s struggle against its enemies.

Document Information


AQPPSH, MPP Korese, V. 1970, D 1. Translated by Enkel Daljani.


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Leon Levy Foundation