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November 8, 1962

Telegram from Polish Embassy in Havana (Jeleń), 8 November 1962

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation


Of Special Significance

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Ciphergram No. 16483


Dispatched from Havana on 11.08 at 21:00 and received at 11.09 at 12:49


Came to the Decoding Department on 11.09 at 16:20


Krajewski, EYES ONLY


From: Ambassador JELEN














[This is based on the information from] the Soviet and Cuban sides: they are both restrained in providing information and the assessment regarding the course of the talks:


Based on the statements made by the Soviet side (Bazikin – Director of the Latin America department in the International Department [and] former ambassador to Mexico; ambassador [to Cuba] Alexeyev, and councilor Belons) one can conclude the following: the talks are difficult, Fidel’s position is hardline, his overall outlook on the issue and its implications is narrow-minded, and guided by prestige in some matters. Right now, they are taking a break from the talks, as they are awaiting instructions from Moscow. The talks are being excessively prolonged and this does not bode well, especially [when it comes to maintaining a uniform position] externally; one cannot foresee when they will end, perhaps by the end of the week. They are also going to discuss economic matters.


From the Cuban side (based on conversations with various interlocutors, among others, [Foreign Minister Raul] Roa [Garcia] who is not partaking in the conversations at the party level and with C.R. Rodriguez who is taking part in the conversations in place of Blas Roca): a fundamental difference in views continues to persist, they are not providing any specifics regarding the current situation on the issue of inspections. Roa is of the opinion that even the USSR’s consent to carry out inspections at sea creates a negative precedent. Rodriguez assesses, however, that the [Cuban and Soviet] views are converging, but the situation is exacerbated by “the increased demands of the US,” especially when it comes to the withdrawal of the [IL-28] bombers, something that the USSR does not consent to. Raul Castro confirms that the Cuban Anti-Air Forces has the orders not to shoot. He points out, however, that a situation may develop when they will have to shoot. The Americans are very careful at the borders at Guantanamo, and the internal counterrevolutionary forces are keeping quiet (even a Western diplomat points to the fact that no arrests are being made in times of the current crisis).


[1] Józef Czesak, the head of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers’ Party.


Jelen reports on the talks regarding the Cuban Missile Crisis, especially the issues coming from the Cuban side of the talks.

Document Information


Szyfrogramy from Hawana 1962, 6/77 w-82 t-1264, Polish Foreign Ministry Archive (AMSZ), Warsaw. Obtained by James G. Hershberg (George Washington University) and translated by Margaret K. Gnoinska (Troy University).


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Leon Levy Foundation