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April 22, 1945

Letter from Alihan Tore to Commander-in-Chief Marshal Stalin

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation





Dear Commander-in-Chief

Marshal Stalin


I send ardent greetings to the creator of the culture and equal rights of all peoples, the great leader of the Soviet Union.


I, and the peoples of East Turkestan recently liberated from oppression, hope in you, Chief Marshal, that the peoples of East Turkestan will be liberated only with the aid of the Great Soviet Union, which is giving us comprehensive aid in this cause. Millions of people of East Turkestan constantly look to you as their leader, protecting the interests of oppressed peoples. We are deeply confident that we will always receive the legitimate and necessary assistance from you. We will thereby be able to expel all our oppressors from our homeland. I hope that the colonizers will be expelled if we have the aid we need from the Soviet Union.


I greet the Red Army and its heroes, which have finally defeated the enemies of freedom-loving peoples of the world, the fascists.


I have sent all our remaining wishes to dear Petr Andreyevich.


I remain expectant of favorable results of our conversation with him.


I also impatiently await the return to us of dear Vladimir Stepanovich, who will give us the necessary aid.


Head of the East Turkestan Government - ALIHAN TORE [SHAKIRJAN]


22 April 1945

Ghulja [Yining]

Authenticated by: V. Popova


Shakirjan praises Stalin and the Soviet Union, emphasizing that the Ili rebels' victory over the Chinese government is contingent on the continued receipt of Soviet aid.

Document Information


GARF, Fond R-9401ss, Opis' 2, Delo 95, ll. 352-359. Obtained by Jamil Hasanli and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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Top Secret


MacArthur Foundation