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December 1972

Report from Várkonyi József 'The visit of Korean ambassador Pak Gyeong-sun'

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)

Regional Division V

Várkonyi József


Produced in 7 copies for:

- Comrade Hollai

- Comrade Marjai

- Comrade Nagy János

- Comrade Esztergályos

- Comrade Kádár L.

- Comrade Szücsné

- Department




Subject: The visit of Korean ambassador Pak Gyeong-sun [Pak Kyong-sun]


I received Pak Gyeong-sun, the DPRK's ambassador, today at his request.


He told me that the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the DPRK issued a statement that welcomed the departure of Pakistan from the Korean commission of the UN (UNCURK). After the previous departure of Chile, Pakistan's leaving indicates a significant weakening of the UNCURK. In order to hasten this process, they are asking our help in convincing the Netherlands, who is also part of the commission, to leave as well. In relation to this he referred to the parliamentary relations between the Netherlands and the DPRK.


He said that he would also like to make contact with the Dutch ambassador in Budapest to initiate what was mentioned above, and asked for a personal description of the ambassador.


I briefly described the personality traits of the ambassador and our experience with him. In regards to the Netherlands–DPRK parliamentary relations, I informed him that our ambassador in The Hague reported that the Dutch party had not answered the proposal of the DPRK's Supreme People's Assembly about its Netherlands visit. There is not much prospect for a favorable answer.


Pak Gyeong-sun expressed thanks for the information. Comrade Hóbor also participated in the meeting.


Budapest, 1972 December 11.


[Note]: We have sent Comrade Kádár L.’s copy to our embassy in Pyongyang.


Budapest, 1972 December ??.


A report by Varkonyi Jozsef on the visit of North Korean ambassador Pak Gyeong-sun, regarding the Korean Commission of the UN and North Korea’s relations with the Netherlands.

Document Information


MNL OL XIX-J-1-j É-Korea, 1972, 60. doboz, 81-146, 00394. Translated by Imre Majer.


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Top Secret


Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)