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April 14, 1981

Announcement by Hungarian Prime Minister György Lázár on the new Soviet position concerning the shipment of arms to Iraq and Iran at the HSWP Political Committee meeting on 14 April 1981

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György Lázár:I would like to inform the Political Committee that I have received a piece of information from [Soviet Ambassador in Budapest] Comrade Pavlov. Earlier I also informed the Political Committee about the preceding events. According to the latest information, they have taken everything into account, that is mainly  the fact that, based on the experiences, there is a strong demand on the Iraqi and Iranian side for the acquisition of some technical equipment from the Western countries, and these demands are usually satisfied by them. The Soviet Union has reviewed its earlier position concerning the introduction of full embargo on transportation.  This  full  embargo  will  be  lifted  to  a  limited  extent  further  on,  both  in connection  with  Iraq  and  Iran.  I  have  considered  it  important  to  inform  the  Political Committee about this. Comrade Pavlov requested us to treat this information confidentially.


János Kádár:  Confidentially. And we are going to carry on with our practices accordingly. Clear.



György Lázár: Yes, yes, just like earlier, on the authorization of the Political Committee.


György Lázár informs the Political Committee that the Soviet Union intends to lift their embargo on the transportation of military hardware to Iran and Iraq.

Document Information


MOL, 288.f. 5/829.ő.e. Translated by Zsófia Zelnik.


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