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November 12, 1950

Cable, Zhou Enlai to Chai Junwu

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation





(一)金首相[4]拟于最近召开之祖国统一战线中央委员会中亦联合发表声明响应我各党派声明[5],指出中国人民志愿部队参加作战, 用意甚好, 望转告金首相在措词上, 请改为“中国人民志愿部队在朝鲜人民军总部指挥之下的参加作战”。


(二)你是否随金首相去彭总处,望向金提出,如得同意, 可去;否则, 不去。





[1]  柴,指柴军武,即柴成文,当时任中国驻朝鲜大使馆代办。

[2]  彭寓,指彭德怀和高岗.彭德怀,当时任中国人民志愿军司令员兼政治委员.高岗,当时任中共中央东北局书记、东北人民政府主席、中国人民解放军东北军区司令员兼政治委员。

[3]  真日, 即十一日。

[4]  金首相,指朝鲜民主主义人民共和国首相金日成。

[5]  指一九五0年十一月四日中国共产党、中国国民党革命委员会、中国民主同盟、中国民主建国会、中国人民政治协商会议无党派民主人士、中国民主促进会、中国农工民主党、中国致公党、丸三学社、台湾民主自治同盟、中国新民主主义青年团发表的联合声明。该声明于十一月五日在《人民日报》发表.

To Chai [Junwu] [Chai Chengwen]; also inform Peng [Dehuai], Gao [Gang]:


Your telegrams of the 11th have been received. 


1. At the soon-to-be-held meeting of the Central Committee of the Motherland’s United Front, Premier Kim [Il Sung] plans to issue a statement jointly in response to the statement of all of our parties, pointing out the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army’s participation in the war.  The intention is very good.  [We] wish that you will convey to Premier Kim to please change the wording to “the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army’s participation in the war under the command of the general headquarters of the North Korean People’s Army.” 


2. Please ask Premier Kim if you can go to Commander-in-Chief Peng’s location with him. If approval is given, (you) may go; otherwise, do not go.


Zhou Enlai

November 12 [1950]


Zhou Enlai instructs Chai Junwu to ask Kim Il Sung to change the wording of his statement at the Central Committee of the Motherland's United Front meeting, and also to ask whether Chai can accompany Kim in his visit to Peng Dehuai.


Document Information


Zhonggong zhongyang wenxian yanjiushi (CPC Central Historical Documents Research Office) and Zhongyang dang'anguan (Central Archives), eds., Jianguo yilai Zhou Enlai wengao (Zhou Enlai’s Manuscripts since the Founding of the PRC), vol. 3 (Beijing: Zhongyang wenxian chubanshe, 2008), 491. Translated by Jingxia Yang and Douglas Stiffler.


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Leon Levy Foundation